Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Killing the Vulnerable by Dehydration

Killing the Vulnerable by Dehydration

January 11, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Recently an Italian newspaper, Avvenire, interviewed bioethicist Wesley Smith about the deaths of Terri Schiavo and Eluana Englaro. Schiavo and Englaro had similar cognitive disabilities and both of them were directly and intentionally dehydrated to death.

Last fall, Canada had a similar case when Pastor Joshua Mayandi, who had a cognitive disability, but who was not otherwise dying, was dehydrated to death. The comments by Wesley Smith were particularly insightful and worth reading. The english translation is as follows: What is the importance of cases like Eluana and Terri Schiavo, what is the public’s reaction to them? (continue ...)


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