Sunday, January 16, 2011

La Salette Journey: Archdiocese of Boston: Will the new policy be in accordance with Canon Law

Archdiocese of Boston: Will the new policy be in accordance with Canon Law?

While announcing the new policy of the Boston Archdiocese which prohibits "discrimination" against students who come from a homosexual household, Cardinal Sean O'Malley said that, "Catholic schools exist for the good of the children and our admission standards must reflect that...I believe all would agree that the good of the child must always be our primary concern."  See here.

But what exactly does Cardinal O'Malley mean when he refers to "the good of the child"?  Is his idea of "the good" in accordance with Church teaching and Canon Law?  Canon 795 of the Code of Canon Law states quite clearly that, "Since a true education must strive for the integral formation of the human person, a formation which looks toward the person's final end, and at the same time toward the common good of societies, children and young people are to be so reared that they can develop harmoniously their physical, moral and intellectual talents, that they acquire a more perfect sense of responsibility and a correct use of freedom, and that they be educated for active participation in social life."

So "the good of the child," according to Holy Mother Church, must consist of a formation which looks toward a child's final end.  And that education is only true which strives for a child's integral formation and which contributes to the common good.  How then can the Church partner with homosexual parents?  As Father Vincent Miceli once noted, "It is said that 'the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.'  But if the person who rocks the cradle is warped and crippled in personality then the world will not be ruled but ruined." 

And speaking of Catholic schools partnering with parents, Canon 796 says that, "It is incumbent upon parents to cooperate closely with the school teachers to whom they entrust their children to be educated."  But how can such "cooperation" be said to exist if parents are engaging in homosexual relations while their children are being taught by their school teachers that homosexual activity is gravely sinful?

Or will the Archdiocese of Boston simply relegate Church teaching and Canon Law to the trash bin as happened here.

The good of the child Your Eminence?  Please do us a favor and stop insulting our intelligence.  Your new policy has nothing to do with "the good of the child."  It is simply capitulation to the Culture of Death.

I am praying for you Cardinal O'Malley.

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posted by Paul Anthony Melanson at 7:16 AM

Little by little, the Catholic Church in America and Canada seems to be breaking with the Vatican and the Traditional teachings per Canon Law and the Magisterium. Is this the beginning of a schism or is it already there but hidden with smiles and hand-shakes? Our Lady prophecized about this many years ago. As I said before, I'm with Rome and the Pope! Who are you with?