Monday, January 10, 2011

LifeSiteNews Commentary Correction

Correction to January 10 News Commentary

Note: In today's commentary before the news, the the Arizona shooter was mistakenly named as Giffords who of course was the shooter's main intended victim. The commentary has been corrected below with Loughner correctly named as the shooter. Our apologies for the error.

The Washington March for Life has been growing ever year. It is a very impressive series of events that inspires and at times awes participants. Over 350,000 were there last year. Many Canadians take part as well, which inspires them to greater vision for Canadian pro-life activism. See this year's listing of events . LifeSiteNews will be there again in force and LSN reporter Meaghen Hale will be in San Francisco covering the West Coast Walk for Life.

Today's excerpt from former Planned Parenthood director Abbey Johnson's book is something everyone should read - a very honest accounting of undeniable reality, which her former employers sadly continue to deny.

The liberal political establishment is exploiting the Arizona shooting tragedy to an extreme. The freedom to publicly express strong opinions, an essential part of democracy, is being trashed as being responsible for the actions of a mentally very unstable person whose real motives for the shooting are still not yet known. Pro-life, pro-family, pro-freedom, traditional values Americans are the real target of the current angry frenzy. The left clearly believes that only they have the right to publicly express anger about objectionable statements and actions by public persons.

One thing is certain, Loughner is not the first madman to irrationally shoot up a group of people in the United States. There have been a good number of mass murderers and crazy assasins in the United States long before Sarah Palin, the Tea Party or Fox News were ever heard of. I found the very moving Fox interview with the father of the 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green who was killed by Loughner to be especially helpful in putting this terrible event in proper context.

The US has only to look to Canada to see how the expansion of political homosexual ideology in law will lead to more and more removal of traditional religious and conscience freedoms.

We have been writing about the dangers and wrongs of In Vitro Fertilization for years while the rest of the world and even most religious leaders yawned. If anything we were too mild in our reporting. Hilary White tells us more about this evil commodification of persons industry.

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