Pro-Life News Report
Friday, August 31, 2012
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Top Stories
• Democratic Convention Speakers List Includes No Pro-Lifers
• Church Members Share Moving Story of Romney Helping Disabled Son
• American Pie Actor Targets Ann Romney in New Sexual Tweets
• Democratic Chair: Pro-Life Women at GOP Convention Just Shiny Packaging
More Pro-Life News
• Romney Opposes Pro-Abortion Health of the Mother Exception
• Liberal Catholic Group Misleading Pro-Life Voters on Abortion
• Romney Family Friend Brings GOP to Tears, He Prayed With Disabled Daughter
• Cardinal Dolan s Pro-Life Prayer at the Republican Convention
• Pro-Abortion Protestor Confronted Who Disrupted Romney Speech
• More Tax-Funding It Gets, More Abortions Planned Parenthood Does
• Lessons From the Akin Fiasco, Pro-Lifers Let s Get Our Facts Right
• Karl Rove Apologizes About Congressman Akin Being Murdered
• Asian Population Conference Ignores How Aborton Decimates People
• South Korea Pro-Life Doctors Want Abortion Ban Enforced
• Couple Fretting Over Last Frozen Embryo Highlights IVF Issues
• China: Husband Fired for Speaking Out About Forced Abortion Pressure

Democratic Convention Speakers List Includes No Pro-Lifers
Organizers of the Democratic convention in Charlotte, North Carolina released a partial list of the speakers that will headlining the convention to nominate pro-abortion President Barack Obama to another four year term.
The list is long on speakers who have spent their entire political careers advocating for abortion. Missing among the roster of notables speaking at the convention? Anyone who shares the pro-life view a majority of Americans hold on abortion.
Church Members Share Moving Story of Romney Helping Disabled Son
While most of the attention on Thursday night went to Mitt Romney s nomination acceptance speech or the speech by Marco Rubio, two members of Mitt Romney s church told a touching story about the candidate that will resonate with voters.
Ted and Pat Oparowski, who lived in Massachusetts in the 1970s and went to church with Romney, shared a story about how their 14 year-old son David was diagnosed with Hodgkin s disease in 1979. After the diagnosis, Romney visited David frequently.
American Pie Actor Targets Ann Romney in New Sexual Tweets
Fresh from his grossly sexual tweets attacking pro-life Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan and his wife Janna, American Pie actor Jason Biggs is not targeting Ann Romney, wife of the presidential nominee.
On Wednesday, Biggs sent out two very crude sexually suggestive tweets late last night attacking pro-life vice-presidential candidate Paul Ryan and his wife Janna. While Republicans are accused of a so-called War on Women because of their pro-life positions, liberal actors like Biggs actually engage in one.
Democratic Chair: Pro-Life Women at GOP Convention Just Shiny Packaging
In a slap in the face to pro-life women nationwide, the pro-abortion head of the Democratic party, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, called the pro-life women who spoke at the Republican convention this week nothing more than shiny packaging.
I think we believe that women can see through that nice shiny packaging that the Republicans have been putting out there, through to what s inside, which is really a disaster for women s future, extreme policies, Wasserman Schultz said in a press conference with pro-abortion activist Sandra Fluke.

Romney Opposes Pro-Abortion Health of the Mother Exception
This past week, erroneous news reports surfaced making it appear Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney supports the pro-abortion health exception that pro-life groups understand allows for virtually unlimited abortions.
The reports came after a CBS News interview during which Romney misspoke and added the word health to his position on abortion when talking about the very rare exceptions to his pro-life view opposing 99 percent of the abortions done in the United States on an annual basis.
Liberal Catholic Group Misleading Pro-Life Voters on Abortion
The following is a section from the Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good voter guide published on its web site. I have offered some interlinear commentary in BOLD the entire document is typical of the spin put on Catholic social teaching by groups that support pro-abortion Catholic politicians.
To begin with, this pro-life section follows, rather than precedes, a section on The Economy !
Romney Family Friend Brings GOP to Tears, He Prayed With Disabled Daughter
Pam Finlayson, a friend of the Romneys, shared a story at the GOP convention on Thursday night that brought the hall to tears. Republicans were crying listening to this story about how Mitt Romney supported her family through the long process of having an ill newborn.
As I sat with her in intensive care, consumed with a mother s worry and fear, dear Mitt came to visit and pray with me, Pam said. Her full remarks appear below. See the video here.
Cardinal Dolan s Pro-Life Prayer at the Republican Convention
The following is the pro-life prayer Timothy Cardinal Dolan prayed at the Republican convention last night, following the speech presidential nominee Mitt Romney gave. The prayer hit pro-life themes that are dear to the heart of the head of the Catholic bishops conference.

Pro-Abortion Protestor Confronted Who Disrupted Romney Speech
One of the pro-abortion Code Pink protestors who disrupted presidential candidate Mitt Romney s speech last night was confronted afterwards by conservative activist Dana Loesch.
More Tax-Funding It Gets, More Abortions Planned Parenthood Does
A recent article, published by Faith Magazine in the UK and written by Keith Riler, offers further insight into the Planned Parenthood abortion machine.
Lessons From the Akin Fiasco, Pro-Lifers Let s Get Our Facts Right
Trust me. I had very much hoped to avoid this train wreck scenario surrounding the comments of Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin from Missouri.
Karl Rove Apologizes About Congressman Akin Being Murdered
According to an AP report: Republican strategist Karl Rove has apologized to Congressman Todd Akin after joking about the Missouri Senate candidate being murdered. Akin campaign adviser Rick Tyler told The Associated Press that Akin accepted Rove s apology during a phone call Friday. A Rove spokesman didn t return messages Friday from the AP. .
Asian Population Conference Ignores How Aborton Decimates People
op Asian demographers, population experts, and UN staff gathered in Bangkok this week to address the region s aging crisis. Despite the severity of the low fertility predicament, abortion, contraception, and reproductive and sexual health were the subject of one out of every four papers presented.
South Korea Pro-Life Doctors Want Abortion Ban Enforced
South Korea s highest court upheld that country s 59-year abortion ban last week, amidst a surge of pro-life activism led by former abortionists. On Wednesday the government reversed a decision that would have lifted the prescription requirement for emergency contraception.
Couple Fretting Over Last Frozen Embryo Highlights IVF Issues
Why not? He or she is just a ball of cells, a blastocyst. Why would you even care?.
China: Husband Fired for Speaking Out About Forced Abortion Pressure
The following is a collection of pro-life news from around the world.
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