Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad
tidings to the poor. - Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21
Jesus was the one sent by God to bring salvation to the world. Jesus
announced that mission using the framework we hear in today's Gospel
from the prophet Isaiah: glad tidings will be brought to the poor,
liberty to captives, recovery of sight for the blind, and freedom for
the oppressed. Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of God in his
person—through his life, death, and Resurrection. We are charged with
the task of continuing the mission that He began. Jesus also gave us the
helper we would need to enable us to participate in his mission: The
Holy Spirit.
Thinking about the vision Jesus describes, we’re immediately reminded of
Florence, a senior CMMB community health volunteer in Zambia.
Quick to smile, experienced, and motherly,
Florence met Alfred on the streets of Kabwe. She learned that both his
parents had died from HIV, and that he was supporting his grandmother
and six siblings by selling plastic bags. Florence knew immediately that
his family needed help from CMMB.
Did Florence and Alfred meet just by chance? Their meeting certainly
changed the family’s future. As Catholics, we feel certain that Florence
was guided by the power of the Holy Spirit. How lucky to have such a
beautiful part to play in helping fulfill God’s mission!
Yours in grace,
Catholic Medical Mission Board
This reflection is inspired by, and adapted in part, from Loyola Press Sunday Connection.
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