today's Gospel, Jesus teaches from Simon's boat. Jesus turns to Simon
and tells him where to lower the fishing nets. Simon and others have
been fishing all night and have not caught anything. When Simon
ultimately obeys Jesus and lowers his nets into the deeper water as
directed, they catch so many fish that the nets begin to tear!
Simon Peter becomes a follower of Jesus immediately. He calls Jesus
“Lord”—the title given to Jesus after his Resurrection—and protests his
worthiness to be in Jesus' presence. In the people whom Jesus chose to
be his closest friends—his disciples—we see many of the characteristics
of ordinary human beings; people like Sister Monica of the Daughters of
Charity in Cîté Soleil, Haiti. Working with CMMB, she sets an example
of faith, humility and hope. Surely Sister Monica is another one of
God's disciples, meant to "catch people" in one of the poorest
communities in Haiti. Sister Monica's net is made of love, compassion
and dignity. She is able to draw women and children toward her, and show
them that our Lord is everywhere.
As Christians, we participate in the mission of the Church when we bring
people to Christ through the example and positive influence of our
lives. Let's remember to use the gifts God gave us to transform into
better people. If we can do that, we can be the disciples through whom
God will lead others to Jesus and his kingdom. If you haven't already,
please join our community conversations on
Facebook and
Twitter, and explore ways to
join our movement.