Monday, January 10, 2011

ALL Pro-Life Today: It's All about Sex at Planned Parenthood

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Monday, January 10, 2011
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It's All about Sex at Planned ParenthoodJudie Brown

As if it hadn't already destroyed enough lives, bodies and souls of our nation's children, youth and young adults, Planned Parenthood has reached a new low in its never-ending effort to destroy what remains of society's respect for love, life and marriage. Read more about the perverse social change initiative being launched by the nation's largest abortion chain.

[ Read the full commentary here. ]

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House lawmaker introduces bill to strip Planned Parenthood of federal (Title X) funds
Life Site News
A member of the House of Representatives has introduced a measure that would strip Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of abortions in America, of federal Title X funds. The Planned Parenthood Federation revealed that in 2008 it performed 324,008 abortions, and received $363 million in government grants and contracts. It is unclear how much of those funds were from Title X, which are earmarked for family planning for low-income families. The Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act, introduced by U.S. Congressman Mike Pence (R-IN) on Friday, currently has 122 cosponsors in the newly Republican-dominated House.

Former exec: Here's how to defeat Planned Parenthood - web conference tonight

World Net Daily
Planned Parenthood is the big gorilla in America's abortion industry, the billion dollar a year operation that gets some $300 million plus annually from taxpayers, the nightmare for pro-life activists that is responsible for a sizeable number of the million-plus abortions done every year in the nation. Now a former executive for the operation says there is a way to defeat the behemoth: Convince the workers, clerks, receptionists, nurses, even doctors, that what they are doing is wrong. And do it without arguing.

Couple aborts twin boys because they want a girl using IVF

Politics Daily
The story of an Australian couple who aborted twin boys because they want to use IVF to ensure they have a daughter is attracting a lot of attention, especially among pro-lifers, and understandably so since the case seems to foreshadow an ethics-free future of eugenics.
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