American Life League Expresses Outrage at the Obama Invitation to the
Alfred E. Smith Foundation Dinner and Urges the Foundation to Dis-invite Obama in Light of His War on Religious Freedom and Values
Washington, DC - Outraged by the Alfred E. Smith Foundation and Cardinal Dolan's recent invitation of President Obama to a premier Catholic charity fundraiser, Judie Brown, president of American Life League, issued the following statement:
Why is a renowned Catholic charity hosting Obama in a year when he has clearly made God, the Church and his people targets? What is the message to Catholics in particular and Americans in general? The stakes are high, and surely this is not the time for confusion in perception.
This invitation gives the appearance of camaraderie with a president whose actions and policies are no less hostile than Roman Emperor Decius who tried to root out the Christian religion by issuing an edict ordering all citizens to worship the state gods or face dire consequences.
We cannot fight the good fight for religious freedom on one hand, and then laugh and break bread on the other with the enemy because it is political tradition or socially convenient. We were taught in church that we are under moral obligation to voice our discontent when acts conflict with our teachings.
As such, we urge all Catholics to voice their outrage by putting the "No Dinner for Obama" appeal card in their collection baskets. Send a clear message to President Obama and Cardinal Dolan- this is not business as usual. Religious freedom has to be respected. We, the Church body, say- No Dinner for Obama.
Action: Visit for more information and instructions on the "Defend the Faith-No Dinner for Obama Appeal.
Media inquiries, please contact Margaret Ekam at 540.659.4171 or