Thursday, August 09, 2012 Donate - Subscribe to Daily News - Unsubscribe - Update Your Info - Send News Tips |
Click here to View Full Text, With Photos, of all Today's Stories On One Page WashPo notes (outgoing) Komen CEO’s large salary, ignores Planned Parenthood CEO’s larger salary - Jill Stanek |
"If they're not death squads, I don't know what is. How many abortions every year, 1.73 million or something?" Limbaugh asked. State Representative Larry Pittman said Planned Parenthood is getting wealthy on "murder for hire." | | |
Is Obama's forthcoming appearance with Cardinal Dolan at the Catholic Al Smith Dinner just like Obama dining with sinners? Not really. Here's why. | | |
“I don’t think it is acceptable for the church to extend an invitation to a President who has made an all-out assault on the Catholic Church and people of faith and conscience," said Kristan Hawkins. | | |
Mitt Romney addresses the HHS mandate in a new ad. | | |
Joseph Baken's botched backflip backfired. | | |
The court rejected a lawsuit to tear down both the marriage definition as well as Hawaii’s constitutional amendment giving the legislature the power to maintain it. | | |
“We are truly a Catholic institution, so we wouldn’t formally endorse or support a group in direct contradiction to Church teaching,” says a DeSales University representative. | | |
State that "at the directive of the president of the United States, Washington is aggressively promoting the 'gay'' agenda internationally, including same-sex 'marriage' and the stigmatization and marginalization of any who object to the same." | | |
The young mother, reportedly between the age of 15 and 18, fought for her life for days before succumbing to an infection. | | |
Ireland is now among the top ten nations with the largest number of convinced atheists. | | |
The “Fortnight for Freedom” campaign extended for two weeks. Its spirit needs to continue. | | |
A problem of enormous magnitude in our present culture is the widespread notion that being “pro-choice” is a comprehensive philosophy. | | |
Holding Obama responsible for Reaves’ death makes more sense than holding Romney responsible for the death of Joseph Soptic’s wife. | | |
At this moment, the pilgrimage has reached Lithuania, having traversed well over 25,000 kilometers, 30 major cities, and 8 time-zones. | | |
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