Thursday, August 9, 2012

LifeSiteNews Updates - Thursday Aug 9 2012

Thursday, August 09, 2012

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WashPo notes (outgoing) Komen CEO’s large salary, ignores Planned Parenthood CEO’s larger salary  - Jill Stanek

Limbaugh: ‘what is Planned Parenthood if not a death squad?’ Pittman: PP a ‘murderous organization’

Kathleen Gilbert Thu Aug 09 15:11 EST Abortion

"If they're not death squads, I don't know what is. How many abortions every year, 1.73 million or something?" Limbaugh asked. State Representative Larry Pittman said Planned Parenthood is getting wealthy on "murder for hire."

Yes Jesus had dinner with sinners, but private ones, not photo ops

Phil Lawler Thu Aug 09 13:58 EST Opinion

Is Obama's forthcoming appearance with Cardinal Dolan at the Catholic Al Smith Dinner just like Obama dining with sinners? Not really. Here's why.

Students for Life of America and HLI criticize Cardinal Dolan invite to Obama to speak at fundraiser

John-Henry Westen Thu Aug 09 13:01 EST Politics

“I don’t think it is acceptable for the church to extend an invitation to a President who has made an all-out assault on the Catholic Church and people of faith and conscience," said Kristan Hawkins.

Romney: ObamaCare will ‘declare war on religion’

Ben Johnson Thu Aug 09 16:41 EST Contraception

Mitt Romney addresses the HHS mandate in a new ad.

Romney in Poland

Another gay ‘hate crime’ hoax: ‘Victim’ injured himself with a somersault

Ben Johnson Thu Aug 09 16:15 EST Homosexuality

Joseph Baken's botched backflip backfired.

Hawaii federal judge strikes down bid to redefine marriage in court

Kathleen Gilbert Thu Aug 09 14:23 EST Homosexuality

The court rejected a lawsuit to tear down both the marriage definition as well as Hawaii’s constitutional amendment giving the legislature the power to maintain it.

Catholic college denies petition for homosexual club

Cardinal Newman Society Thu Aug 09 11:13 EST Faith

“We are truly a Catholic institution, so we wouldn’t formally endorse or support a group in direct contradiction to Church teaching,” says a DeSales University representative.

Dozens of pro-family leaders denounce U.S. embassy’s participation in Czech ‘gay pride’ parade

Matthew Cullinan Hoffman Thu Aug 09 20:21 EST Family

State that "at the directive of the president of the United States, Washington is aggressively promoting the 'gay'' agenda internationally, including same-sex 'marriage' and the stigmatization and marginalization of any who object to the same."

India girl dies horrific death after botched abortion

Peter Baklinski Thu Aug 09 16:15 EST Abortion

The young mother, reportedly between the age of 15 and 18, fought for her life for days before succumbing to an infection.

Irish losing their religion fastest among western countries: global survey

Hilary White, Rome Correspondent Thu Aug 09 14:53 EST Faith

Ireland is now among the top ten nations with the largest number of convinced atheists.

Let religious freedom ring

Rev. John A. Leies, S.M. Thu Aug 09 11:43 EST Opinion

The “Fortnight for Freedom” campaign extended for two weeks. Its spirit needs to continue.

Happiness is getting into the end zone

Donald DeMarco, Ph.D. Thu Aug 09 11:28 EST Opinion

A problem of enormous magnitude in our present culture is the widespread notion that being “pro-choice” is a comprehensive philosophy.

Is President Obama responsible for the death of Tonya Reaves?

Adam Cassandra Thu Aug 09 10:56 EST Opinion

Holding Obama responsible for Reaves’ death makes more sense than holding Romney responsible for the death of Joseph Soptic’s wife.

From Russia to the world – pro-life pilgrimage travels across Europe and beyond

Angela O’Brien Thu Aug 09 16:48 EST Culture of Life

At this moment, the pilgrimage has reached Lithuania, having traversed well over 25,000 kilometers, 30 major cities, and 8 time-zones.

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