Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI encourages the Knights of Columbus

Catholic World News

Pope cites 'unprecedented gravity' of threat to religious freedom in US

CWN - August 06, 2012

Pope Benedict XVI has warned of the "unprecedented gravity" of threats to religious freedom of Catholics in the US.

In a message to the 130th Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus, which takes place this week in Anaheim, California, the Pope praises the American tradition of freedom--especially religious freedom--but notes "the responsibility of each new generation to preserve, defend and advance those great ideals in its own day."

"At a time when concerted efforts are being made to redefine and restrict the exercise of the right to religious freedom," the papal message exhorts the Knights of Columbus to "counter a reductive secularism which would delegitimize the Church’s participation in public debate."

The Pope's message to the Knights of Columbus--conveyed in a telegram to the Supreme Knight, Carl Anderson, and signed by Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State--lauds the organization as "a pioneer in the development of the modern lay apostolate." The message encourages the Knights to continue bearing witness to authentic Catholic principles in public life.

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  • Posted by: filioque - Today 12:50 AM ET USA

    The Pope should talk to Cardinal Dolan, who will tell him that things are so hunky-dory here that Pres. Obama is coming to a jolly dinner in New York, so don't worry about us.
