Thursday, August 9, 2012

Reason #19 to Defeat Barack Obama: Joe Biden


Reason #19 to Defeat Barack Obama:  Joe Biden


The first strong indication of how a presidential candidate will govern, as opposed to how he campaigns, is his decision who to select as a vice-presidential running mate. 
After all, this is the candidate’s first appointment of anyone who will hold an office beyond the election.  It has to be someone whose views are compatible, someone who has the same core beliefs. 
When Barack Obama picked Joe Biden to be his running mate in August, 2008, he signaled to the world that his Administration would be solidly pro-abortion.  The two had been ideological soulmates on abortion since Obama came to the Senate in 2005, with both Biden and Obama compiling zero percent pro-life voting records during that time
Biden would be expected to fall right in line with Obama’s pro-abortion views.  But rarely has an American politician so accepted the abuse of abortion as Biden did in a talk at Sichuan University in China last August. 
Speaking about a range of issues including population, Biden opined, “Your policy has been one which I fully understand – and I’m not second-guessing – of one child per family.”
In other words, Biden expressed no moral qualms whatsoever with China’s one-child program, in which couples have to apply for a license just to have a child – with punishment and even forced abortions for those who get pregnant without a license. 
Mitt Romney had a swift and strong response that went to the heart of the moral issue:  “China’s one-child policy is gruesome and barbaric,” Romney said in a statement to a Washington Post blog.  “Vice President Biden’s acquiescence to such a policy should shock the conscience of every American.  Vice President Biden should have condemned it in the strongest possible terms.”
YES!  That’s the American voice for morality that has been missing for the past four years, the old-fashioned American willingness to stand tall for what is right and guide the world toward the good, instead of acquiescing in the kind of moral decadence we see with forced abortions in China.  
We at the National Right to Life Victory Fund know that America is better than that.  And we are working our hearts out to save the America you and I grew up with, the America Lincoln once before called “the last, best hope of earth.”
America – and its precious unborn children – need Mitt Romney and a new pro-life Administration to restore that greatness to America.  Please help us win the victory America needs on November 6th with your generous support of the National Right to Life Victory fund today!

Carol Tobias,

National Right to Life



To Donte Now:

National Right to Life Victory Fund
512 10th St. NW, Washington, DC 20004


Paid for by the National Right to Life Victory Fund,
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
National Right to Life
512 10th St., NW
Washington, District of Columbia 20004