Wednesday, November 5, 2014

‘Be a man and bring your girl up here’

In front of the clinic
In front of the clinic
One counselor saw a young couple approaching from the far side of the parking lot.  Smiling, the counselor intercepted them before they reached the abortion mill. The counselor told them about the medical malpractice history of the abortionist and gave them a flyer.  The counselor told them of several young women the counselors knew who had disastrous effects after an abortion by this doctor.  The young man appeared anxious to go toward the mill, though he didn’t say anything.  The woman looked very nervous, barely making eye contact with the counselor. The counselor told the young couple about COLFS (Culture of Life Family Services), where they could get a free ultra-sound and speak to someone who could help them with all their concerns and pressures, and asked the young woman if this was her first abortion.
Before the woman could say a word, the man spoke up quickly, announcing they had an appointment.  The counselor assured them that an appointment was not needed, and that they take anyone, because they are only in it for the money.  The counselor told them that they both deserved so much better than what they were about to do, which would destroy their relationship and their lives.  As the counselor showed them a picture of a six-week old pre-born baby, the young man looked away and then looked at the girl who didn’t say a word.  He said to the counselor “We have to go.”
About this time the abortionist was arriving at Family Planning Associates and paused on the balcony before entering his place of business, looking down at the counselor and the couple.  He shouted down to the parking lot, “Don’t listen to that lady…be a man and bring your girl up here”.  The counselor gave the woman the literature and assured her that this was not her only choice, and that we could help.  At this point the man took complete control of the young woman and said “Let’s go” and walked to the elevator.
While this was happening, a car pulled up in front of the clinic and two young Chinese women around 20 years old exited the car.  Another counselor walked up and began to tell them about the abortionist.  The driver immediately drove away and left them alone.  They spoke Chinese and very little English.  The counselor was able to communicate some of the information to them, pausing regularly to ask them if they understood.  They seemed worried about missing their appointment and politely dismissed themselves and walked up into the clinic.
A truck pulled into the lot and the man and woman, both in their late 20s or early 30s stayed in the car for about 15 minutes talking.  They finally exited the car, and a counselor approached them, asking them if they were going upstairs to see the doctor.  The woman flatly lied and said “No,” while the counselor began telling them about the abortionist.  The man seemed to think the counselor was making it all up and started probing with questions.  The woman had her head down and walked ahead, ignoring the counselor.  She finally turned around with anger in her face and curtly said, “I said no!”  The counselor backed away and they continued up into Family Planning Associates.
A car from Mexico arrived with a mother, father, and 20-year old daughter in the back seat.  A Spanish-speaking counselor approached them, and the father asked the counselor where the clinic was.  The counselor began to tell them about the abortionist, and asked the young woman how far along she was.  She said she was seven weeks, and the counselor gave her a picture of what her baby looked like at six weeks.  She did not want to look at it and quickly tucked it under the other pamphlet the counselor gave her.
The counselor continued to talk to the parents, telling them they were already grandparents, and urged them to call COLFS and talk to Dr. Delgado.  They drove to the end of the parking lot and sat for about 15 minutes in the car.  They pulled up closer to the clinic and the counselor asked if the father had talked to Dr. Delgado.  He said that he did talk to him, but they were going into the clinic to “talk to them.”  The father seemed intent on having the abortion done.  They went up into FPA and did not come out.
Today was the final Saturday of 40 Days for Life at Family Planning Associates on Miramar Road, and we are grateful for the many successes we have seen.  There were seven, possibly eight turnarounds or saves that we know of during the past 40 days.
