LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
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Top Stories
• Ted Cruz Defeats Donald Trump by 16-Point Margin in Wisconsin After Pro-Life Endorsements
• Hillary Clinton: An Unborn Child Just Hours Before Delivery Has No Constitutional Rights
• National Right to Life Supports Ted Cruz Over Donald Trump: “He is 100% Pro-Life”
• Planned Parenthood Caught Lying: Falsely Said Aborted Baby Parts Cure Diseases
• Donald Trump Flip-Flops: Saying It’s Ok to “Punish” Women Who Have Abortions “Not a Wrong Answer”
More Pro-Life News• Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Babies Limb From Limb
• New York Abortions Drop 21% in Last Seven Years to Reach Historic Low as More Babies Saved• Notre Dame Hosts Abortion Activist Wendy Davis, Calling Her a “Modern-Day Heroine”
• 57 Public Schools Allowing Planned Parenthood to Have Secret Consultations With Students
• Planned Parenthood Activist Slams Hillary for Accidentally Calling Unborn Baby a “Person”
• Leading Researcher: It’s Not Necessary to Use Aborted Baby Parts to Produce a Zika Virus Cure
• Judge Tosses Pro-Life Lawsuit Against Law Squelching Free Speech at Abortion Clinics
• Missouri Senator Wants Planned Parenthood CEO Held in Contempt for Ignoring Subpoena
• Euthanasia Group Promotes Cheaper Drug for People to Use to Kill Themselves in an Assisted Suicide
• Tennessee Planned Parenthood Takes Pro-Life Amendment 1 to Court
• Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin Asks Appeals Court to Close Abortion Clinic Breaking State Law
• Northern Ireland: Woman Given Suspended Sentence for Illegally Buying Dangerous Abortion Pill
• Shock: Pediatricians Issue DNR to Minors Without Parental Permission
• Ted Cruz Defeats Donald Trump by 16-Point Margin in Wisconsin After Pro-Life Endorsements
• Hillary Clinton: An Unborn Child Just Hours Before Delivery Has No Constitutional Rights
• National Right to Life Supports Ted Cruz Over Donald Trump: “He is 100% Pro-Life”
• Planned Parenthood Caught Lying: Falsely Said Aborted Baby Parts Cure Diseases
• Donald Trump Flip-Flops: Saying It’s Ok to “Punish” Women Who Have Abortions “Not a Wrong Answer”
More Pro-Life News• Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Babies Limb From Limb
• New York Abortions Drop 21% in Last Seven Years to Reach Historic Low as More Babies Saved• Notre Dame Hosts Abortion Activist Wendy Davis, Calling Her a “Modern-Day Heroine”
• 57 Public Schools Allowing Planned Parenthood to Have Secret Consultations With Students
• Planned Parenthood Activist Slams Hillary for Accidentally Calling Unborn Baby a “Person”
• Leading Researcher: It’s Not Necessary to Use Aborted Baby Parts to Produce a Zika Virus Cure
• Judge Tosses Pro-Life Lawsuit Against Law Squelching Free Speech at Abortion Clinics
• Missouri Senator Wants Planned Parenthood CEO Held in Contempt for Ignoring Subpoena
• Euthanasia Group Promotes Cheaper Drug for People to Use to Kill Themselves in an Assisted Suicide
• Tennessee Planned Parenthood Takes Pro-Life Amendment 1 to Court
• Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin Asks Appeals Court to Close Abortion Clinic Breaking State Law
• Northern Ireland: Woman Given Suspended Sentence for Illegally Buying Dangerous Abortion Pill
• Shock: Pediatricians Issue DNR to Minors Without Parental Permission
Ted Cruz Defeats Donald Trump by 16-Point Margin in Wisconsin After Pro-Life Endorsements
Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz handily defeated rival Donald Trump in Wisconsin — winning by 16 percentage points after multiple pro-life groups endorsed him. Media outlets called the race for Cruz within an hour of polls closing at 9 p.m. Eastern time.

Hillary Clinton: An Unborn Child Just Hours Before Delivery Has No Constitutional Rights
During an interview on The View today, Hillary Clinton said an unborn child just hours before delivery should have no Constitutional rights. her comments come just days after Clinton said unborn children simply do not have any Constitutional rights, which would include the right to life.

National Right to Life Supports Ted Cruz Over Donald Trump: “He is 100% Pro-Life”
The National Right to Life Board of Directors on Saturday voted to support pro-life Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the remaining Republican presidential primaries, starting today in Wisconsin. The support for Cruz follows a decision by its state affiliate Wisconsin Right to Life to endorse Cruz as well.

Planned Parenthood Caught Lying: Falsely Said Aborted Baby Parts Cure Diseases
The Center for Medical Progress has released a new video exposing the Planned Parenthood abortion business. This new video exposes how planned Parenthood has been caught lying about the consent form it presents women to consider donating the body parts of their aborted babies for research. The consent form falsely claims body parts of aborted unborn children have been used to successfully cure diseases.

Donald Trump Flip-Flops: Saying It’s Ok to “Punish” Women Who Have Abortions “Not a Wrong Answer”
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has now flip-flopped on changing his position on whether or not women sho0ld be “punished” who potentially have illegal abortions when the day comes that unborn children are protected under law. Trump now says his initial answer supporting punishment was “not a wrong answer.”

Mississippi Legislature Passes Bill to Ban Dismemberment Abortions Tearing Babies Limb From Limb
The Mississippi state legislature has given final approval to a bill to ban dismemberment abortions tearing babies limb from limb.

New York Abortions Drop 21% in Last Seven Years to Reach Historic Low as More Babies Saved
New York Vital Statistics for 2014 published Monday (April 4) revealed yet another drop in abortion for New York State. The data reveals that the number of abortions statewide hit an all-time low since abortion was legalized in 1970. In the last seven years (2008 to 2014) the number of abortions dropped 21% including a one point drop in 2014.

Notre Dame Hosts Abortion Activist Wendy Davis, Calling Her a “Modern-Day Heroine”
Catholics celebrated the Feast of the Annunciation on Monday, when the Virgin Mary said “yes” to God and Christ was conceived in her womb through the power of the Holy Spirit. But at the University of Notre Dame, a number of students spent Monday night on campus listening to former Texas State Senator Wendy Davis describe the benefits for women of choosing abortion or using contraception.

57 Public Schools Allowing Planned Parenthood to Have Secret Consultations With Students
Planned Parenthood routinely targets college campuses and minority neighborhoods for its abortion business, but now it is turning its eye to an even younger generation of potential customers.