Dear deaconjohn,
I have to say -- you guys rock!
should see what you have helped to happen here in Antioquia, Colombia.
Seven hundred priests and seminarians are enjoying a three day immersion
in the Gospel of Life thanks to your prayers and your support of HLI.
hundred! That's about 350 of each group, both seminarians and priests,
led by their bishop, Bishop Fidel León Cadavid Marín, and supported by a
wonderful team of professionals.
I am so grateful to you all for your prayers and support of HLI's
mission. I'm also grateful to our great director of Latin America, Mario
Rojas, whose tireless work made this event possible.
to this wonderful team of faithful Catholics -- many who have never met
each other -- we get to offer a message of hope, courage, and truth in a
time of confusion. We get to celebrate Holy Mass with incredible
gratitude for men who have great reverence for the Eucharist and who
will fight for Christ, strengthened by His Body and Blood.
about the multiplier effect here -- when these priests and future
priests are able to reach those under their care with a greater
awareness about how the Culture of Death is attacking families. This
completely reshapes their pastoral approach. What an awesome gift and

We have posted pictures to our Facebook page, which I encourage you to
check out. Of course, they never convey the entirety of the energy and
enthusiasm we are seeing here. Along with Mario I am honored to be
sharing the stage with Nancy Tosi and Raymond DeSouza, and Dr. Rafael
Cabrera, three of HLI's greatest teachers. When Our Lord arranges this
array of talent in His service, it is a beautiful thing to behold. I
would be happy to just sit with my brother priests and listen to all
that is being said.
I always
enjoy meeting with those we serve, getting to hear their stories, their
hopes and concerns. A question that is very common has to do with the
Church's role with regard to political issues and popular cultural
trends. Can priests speak out? Where do you draw the line?
answer is not only that priests can speak out, but they must. Of course
one must have prudence and be aware of what are sometimes complicated
situations, but if prudence leads to a permanent silence it is no longer
prudence but fear. The Church rightly eschews endorsing politicians and
parties, but she cannot be afraid to tell the truth about the moral law
she has been given to share with her people, even as it impacts
politics. The priest is often the only voice of the Church a Catholic in
the pews will hear, though they will certainly hear distortions of the
Church's teaching through the media.

The priest has to make sure that those under his spiritual care hear
the whole truth. We must preach the love and mercy of God, and we must
preach that mercy detached from truth is not mercy at all, but a
falsehood and failure to call the faithful to conversion. Yes, the mercy
of God is a free gift to all! And in order to receive it, we must
prepare our hearts, have true contrition that comes from awareness of
our sins (sins we are aware of because our priest is not afraid to tell
us what they are), and confess our sins in complete trust of our loving
God's mercy.
It is almost too
good to be true - but it is true! And it is too great to be cheapened
by giving people the idea that their sins are not a big deal, that they
can continue living in sin even and seek "absolution" without repentance
and a firm amendment to abandon their sins.
God gives His mercy without cost. We must actively receive it in love and truth.
priests must be unafraid to share these truths. It is their vocation as
spiritual father to do everything in their power to lead those under
their care to heaven. We succeed when we are unafraid, when we speak to
our people in love and truth, when we empty ourselves as Christ did for
This is true whether one is in Antioquia, Denver, Kampala,
Sydney and Singapore. And it is true in season -- even in a political
season -- and out of season.
truly wish you could be with us here, though you are certainly with us
in your prayers. Please keep them up! And know that you are in my
prayers at every Mass as well. ( Link to article here.)
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Father Shenan J. Boquet
President, Human Life International