Saints Cosmas & Damian operating, assisted by angels. Image via Wikipedia

Saints Cosmas & Damian operating, assisted by angels. Image via Wikipedia
Buenos Aires (Agenzia Fides) – On September 17-18, the Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) will host the 6th Internationl Congress on Personalist Bioethics on the "Protection of Life and Organ Transplants." The initiative, organized by the UCA Bioethical Institute, will focus on three main themes: "Personalism," with the presentation of the new Spanish edition of the Bioethics Manual by Archbishop Elio Sgreccia, President Emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life; "The Warnock Report," from the moment in which protection of human life begins, 25 years after its first edition; and organ transplants. (GT)
(Agenzia Fides 15/9/2009)
For more information
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - Archbishop of Rosario: "Placing de facto unions on par with marriage implies dow
Cathedral of Rosario Image via Wikipedia
nplaying the values of marriage and the family."

Cathedral of Rosario Image via Wikipedia
Rosario (Agenzia Fides) - "Placing de facto unions on par with marriage implies downplaying the values of marriage and the family." This is what Archbishop Jose Luis Mollaghan of Rosario said in recent days, in reference to the draft bill on de facto couples, under examination in the Province.
As a statement sent from the Archdiocese of Rosario to Agenzia Fides explains, Archbishop Mollaghan has asked those concerned to "reflect on the common good, especially in terms of the inestimable wealth of marriage and the family." First of all, he said, there is a need to "clarify terms, seeing as the confusion leads to a losing sight of the real implication of de facto couples, both now and in terms of the future." The Archbishop finds it impossible to "accept a similar recognition without an ethical and cultural foundation that justifies it." These kinds of stable relationships, although they express bonds similar to marriage, "are naturally not and cannot be so." Thus, "placing de facto unions on par with the value of marriage, which is a stable union between a man and a woman, with ethical values integrated into the culture," means "minimizing the value of it, as well as that of the family," in addition to creating an imbalance in the children.
A similar law, the statement reads, "cannot be lacking in a profound relationship with morality, as the good should form a part of every law." In this sense, "a real law cannot only express the will of the lawmaker or of a majority, but should have an ontological dimension and lead to the true good." (GT)
(Agenzia Fides 15/9/2009)