MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 23 /Christian Newswire/ -- A brand new grassroots campaign will be announced at the "How to Take Back America" conference that will be held this Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26 at the St. Louis Hilton Frontenac.
"I will be making an announcement about a grassroots campaign to take back our nation that has never been attempted before," said Janet (Folger) Porter, who is co-chairman of the How to Take Back America Conference and President of Faith2Action. "Come and be one of the first to hear about this historic effort!"
Porter adds, "It seems that Congress has not heard the message from the town hall meetings and the tea parties. This will turn up the volume."

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The "How to Take Back America" conference, which officially starts at 2 PM on Friday, features a number of nationally known speakers, including former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, Joe "the Plumber" Wurzelbacher, U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, and Retired Three-Star General Jerry Boykin. Two dozen workshops are being planned on such topics as: Socialized Medicine, Marriage, "Global Warming," and the threat from radical Islam.
"It's the most important conference that we have ever done," said host and conference co-chair Phyllis Schlafly. The founder and president of Eagle Forum, Schlafly was honored last weekend at the Values Voter Summit in Washington D.C. for decades of incredible accom

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There are two ways that individuals can register for the How to Take Back America Conference: (1) by calling 1-800-726-8096 or (2) by going to: There are special rates available for students, pastors, and groups of five or more still available!
A press conference will be held at Noon (Central Time) on Friday in the Pommard Room at the Frontenac right before the conference officially starts.
Phyllis Schlafly, Janet (Folger) Porter, and many of the other conference speakers are available for media interviews. Please call Ruth Carlson at 314-288-5870 to arrange an interview or for more information on participating in Friday's press conference.