Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Fight Is On for Title V Abstinence Programs

WASHINGTON - FEBRUARY 06:  U.S. Sen. Blanche L...

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MEDIA ADVISORY, Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- An amendment introduced in the Senate this week by Senator Orin Hatch (R-UT) to reinstate funding for Title V abstinence programs which had expired on June 30, 2009. The amendment passed 12-11 with Democratic Senators Blanche Lincoln (AR) and Kent Conrad (ND) joining Republicans on the Committee in favor. This amendment would direct $50 million a year through FY 2014 for the extension of the Title V abstinence- only programs. Please call your Senators on the Senate Finance Committee to thank them for their effort to reinstate a valuable p
Entrance to the Senate

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rogram for the youth of our states. 

However, the amendment has a long way to go and many enemy lines to traverse. Advocates of contraceptive sex education, which has never been proven to be effective, are scared that the states are fighting for their kids and want abstinence funding. Groups like SIECUS and Advocates for Youth are lobbying hard to kill this amendment in the Senate. 

A majority of states accept Title V funds for abstinence and many states have reintroduced Title V funding after previously passing on the funds. Title V and CBAE programs are a visible threat to the contraceptive cartel and the culture of perversion they promote. 

"This amendment puts abstinence on the offense, we need to make sure we take the time to call our Senators to encourage them to fight for a healthy lifestyle for our kids, their future constituents," said Leslee Unruh, President of the Abstinence Clearinghouse. "Groups like SIECUS, Advocates for Youth and Planned Parenthood need a wake up call from the Abstinence Community that we will not take their efforts to brainwash our children with smut," Unruh continued.