Frustrated Catholics from 7 States join DC area pro-life advocates to ask the U.S. Bishops: "At what price will we betray innocent blood?" Catholics from Hawaii, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Indiana, Maryland and Virginia will pray, hold signs, and go in to speak with USCCB officials.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 22 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following is submitted by Randall Terry, Director, Operation Rescue Insurrecta Nex:

Image by Getty Images via Daylife
Wednesday, September 23, 12:00 Noon to 1:00 P.M.,
DC Headquarters of USCCB,
3211 4th Street, N.E.,
Washington DC 20017-1194
"At this point, one 'Catholic' organization after another is pushing for this bill. [See examples below.] Meanwhile, most of our bishops maintain a deafening silence.
"Our plea to the bishops is simple: 'Please, Your Excellencies, fight for the gospel of life with the valor of Apostles and Prophets, and the faithful will support you. God forbid that you should maintain this morbid silence for the want of federal money for your programs; fear God more than man; honor the babies more than Obama; shout from the Housetops: The Church of Jesus Christ will not be bought; we will have no part in the shedding of innocent blood at any level.'
"If our bishops rally against this bill - publicly and forcefully - and don't succumb to the temptations of Socialism, we will defeat this legislation. If on the other hand, they play the part of the bishops during the reign of Henry VIII, and put money and security ahead of Christ, we shall lose this battle, and some of them may lose their souls."
See: Network Lobby - A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby. They do NOT even MENTION abortion. 20Agenda/9-2-09_Healthcare.htm
See "40 days for reform" run by "Catholics in alliance for the Common Good - Pushing for the bill NOW.
For more information go to
Contact Catherine Veritas, 904-687-9804, to schedule an interview with Mr. Terry, Operation Rescue Insurrecta Nex; Missy Smith, W.A.K.E.U.P.; or Dick Retta, Nuestra Madre por la Vida, Inc.