Mary Vitamin for September 25th

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Topic: Our Lady, St. Vincent de Paul and chastity
(St. Vincent de Paul - September 27)
"A little girl of seven, Bl. Jacinta of Fatima, after being instructed by Our Lady, was able to tell all the world that, The sins that send most souls to hell are the sins of impurity."
Father Manelli, Devotion to Our Lady, (Academy of the Immaculate: 2000), 131.
St. Vincent de Paul
"Our Savior showed clearly how highly he rated chastity, and how anxious he was to get people to accept it, by the fact that he wanted to be born of an Immaculate Virgin through the intervention of the Holy Spirit, outside the normal course of nature. Christ allowed himself to be falsely accused of the most appalling charges, following his wish to be overwhelmed with disgrace. Yet he loathed unchastity so much that we never read of his having been in even the slightest way suspected of it, much less accused of it, even by his most determined opponents. Everyone, therefore, should be careful to take advantage to the best of his ability of every safeguard and precaution for keeping this chastity of body and mind intact."
Constitutions of the Congregation of the Mission
Vincent de Paul and Louise de Marillac, Rules, Conferences, and Writings
Edited by Frances Ryan, D.C. and John E. Rybolt, C.M.
(Paulist Press: 1995), 95.

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Father Manelli
"Who will console Our Lady in this sorrow, if not her devout clients? It is they who must love Our Lady with a pure heart, a clean soul, and a chaste body, according to God's will for every state of life. The virginal fragrance of Our Lady's love for us ought to make us careful and conscientious to return it with a love and devotion imbued with uncompromised chastity."
Father Manelli, Devotion to Our Lady, (Academy of the Immaculate: 2000), 132-3.
Marian Vow:
"The unmarried should greatly esteem the state of continence and of virginity by keeping it inviolate. The engaged should chastely prepare themselves to live the sacrament of matrimony as their mission on earth. The married tertiaries should receive from the sacrament of matrimony the graces necessary to live in pure fidelity the unity and indissolubility of Christian marriage, the fecundity of life against the crimes of contraception and of abortion, Christian education of their children according to Christ and the Church. They should be ready to accept the great gift of a large family, that ordinarily is the nursery of vocations and of saints."
Marian Seraphic Pathways, Constitutions #45b
I give this resolution to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thanks be to God for graces received.
"May the Lord grant all your prayers!" (Psalm 20)
Deacon John