Week of September 28, 2009
Dear Friends,
You might have recently heard of the news that my father,

Since his death, my family has been receiving countless phone calls, emails and cards from people all over the world expressing their sympathy. This, along with the many touching articles paying tribute to my dad, has been so helpful and heartwarming for our family. I wish we could personally thank you all. We cannot possibly express how much these words of love have helped us during this very sad and difficult time.
More Alarming News: Study Finds Increasing Evidence of "PVS" Misdiagnosis!
Yet another story regarding the misdiagnosis of the Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) diagnosis. In addition to this new report, there has now been a finding that PVS patients may in fact be able to learn! This new report again validates just how subjective and unscientific the PVS diagnosis is for persons with profound brain injuries.
You will remember that Terri's court ordered death issued by Judge George Greer was based on the criteria that Terri was PVS. It is also repeatedly being used by our mainstream media as justification for Terri's dehydration death. Just as alarming is that the PVS diagnosis is being used on a daily basis as criteria to end the lives of those with similar cognitive brain injuries.
This finding questions the legitimacy of the PVS diagnosis and supports the 40 medical professionals that submitted affidavits to Judge Greer and the dozens of accounts from Terri's family and friends that Terri was not PVS.
Not only is the term "vegetative" offensive and dehumanizing to a person, but it illustrates just how widely misunderstood and confused most of our general public is when it comes to persons with profound brain injuries. Not to mention how dangerous this diagnosis can be when it is being used to end the life of our cognitively disabled and is why the PVS term needs to be abolished, or at the very least, immediately stopped being used as a criteria to impose death on those with these types of brain injuries.
The debate over a government controlled health care is certainly making most of the current news. Fortunately, the dangers of Obamacare have been increasingly exposed for its threat to our most vulnerable brothers and sisters.
Please take time to read the stories we have included in the Newsletter that will explain these risks and why your support for Terri's Foundation and others advocating for the equality of all is so critically important.
Your Help is Vital!
Please continue to support our efforts to stop the evil of euthanasia and imposed death. And if you could also keep in mind that Terri's Foundation depends 100% on the generosity of friends and supporters like you who share our belief in the value and dignity of human life.
As we said, we are committed to not only helping families, but to exposing the dangers of a very aggressive death mentality permeating our nation today! We will continue to help keep you informed about what you can do to not just protect yourself, but your family as well.
In loving memory of both Terri and our wonderful and courageous dad, I sincerely hope that you will help us build a Culture of Life!
Bobby Schindler