WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- A Constitutional Amendment to protect the parent-child relationship introduced by U.S. Rep.

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Pete Hoekstra, R-Holland, has reached 120 co-sponsors in the House.
"Grassroots constituents came to Capitol Hill and voiced their concerns about the threat from government and foreign interference into the parent- child relationship," Hoekstra said. "I encourage supporters of the amendment to keep up the momentum because Congress is clearly listening."
The Parents' Rights Amendment (H.J.Res.42) would state explicitly in the U.S. Constitution that parents have a fundamental right to raise their children as they see fit, while protecting children against abuse and neglect. Threats to the parent-child relationship include potential Senate ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and the erosion of fundamental parents' rights in federal courts.
"This milestone demonstrates that the American people are serious when they say that they want the government to stay out of those areas that rightly belong to the family," said Michael Farris, J.D., president of Parentalrights.org. "The people will continue to speak until two-thirds of the members of both chambers of Congress are on board."
More information on the Parents' Rights Amendment can be viewed atwww.parentalrights.org and www.parentsrights.us.