Troy's Blog
It is the Substance of the His Issues that Makes Us Disagree with Obama
September 27, 2009 — Martin Luther King Jr. said in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech that we must judge a man by the content of his character, not the color of his skin. Of course, he was right.
I do not disagree with President Obama based upon the color of his skin, but upon the darkness of his heart. It is the substance of his policies and the inferiority of his politics that has convinced me that he is guided by a faulty moral compass.
It is a blindfolded Lady Justice that is depicted holding the measuring balances of equity and truth. The imagery is clear and applicable to more than our judicial system. We should weigh a man according to the truth of his words and his deeds, and not on his race, creed, gender, or social class.
Therefore, I assail the core substance of Obama's policies based on their character, not on his race.
Obama is lying to the American people. It is not hyperbole to describe the spirit of his policies to be evil, when compared to our standard of truth found in the Bible, which declares that we should not murder, nor stand idly by while others commit heinous acts.
Obama said the heart of his healthcare plan was abortion; that is evil.
Obama removed the roadblock for taxpayer funding of abortion overseas; that is evil.
Obama released a statement on January 22 in support of Roe vs. Wade; that was evil.
Obama put radical abortion supporter Kathleen Sebelius in charge of the Department of Health and Human Services; that was evil.
Obama is pushing for "universal access" to abortion worldwide and a "fundamental human right"; that is evil.
Obama signed an executive order forcing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research; that was evil.
Obama's 2009 budget includes tax dollars to fund abortions in Washington, DC while eliminating all funding for abstinence education; that is evil.
Obama's Supreme Court appointee Sonia Sotomayor, strongly favors abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy; that is evil.
Obama continues to push to overturn all conscience laws that protect doctors and pharmacists from being forced to administer abortions or abortion causing drugs; that is evil.
Obama's science "czar" John Holdren believes the U.S. Constitution favors forced abortions; that is evil.
I could continue with an unending list of Obama's wrongheaded and evil foreign and domestic policies but I think you get the point. While I am arguing the objective facts, the radicals on the left have attempted to shout me down with ad homonym attacks and false accusations of racism.
These personal attacks are simply an indication that my adversaries have already lost the debate on the facts, and are desperately attempting to smear the messenger. They know that the American people are beginning to see through the misleading rhetoric that is belching forth daily from the Obama Administration.
On September 12, I was honored to stand in Washington, D.C. with hundreds of thousands of patriotic-minded Americans who were not protesting because of the color of a man's skin, but on the content of his character. Obama's broken moral compass is driving America in the wrong direction, a direction that will lead to an increase in abortions and the human misery that follows them.
The majority of American's don't want to go where Obama is leading on the matter of abortion, the most critical moral issue of our day. With all eyes focused on the current health care debate, now is the time to make our voices heard. To stand idly by while innocent lives are further endangered – well, that would be evil, too.
For Life,