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WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 /Christian Newswire/ -- Heartbeat International is proud to partner with Family Research Council and other life-affirming pregnancy center networks in the release of the groundbreaking joint services report, A Passion to Serve, A Vision for Life.
"This report shines a light on the positive contributions of pregnancy centers, maternity homes, adoption agencies, and pregnancy help medical clinics," said Heartbeat International President Peggy Hartshorn, Ph.D. "These faith-based community organizations, 40,000 volunteers strong, brighten a woman's future with the support she needs to bring new life into the world. This is one of the greatest volunteer service movements in the history of our country."
"We are pleased that this report spotlights ten Heartbeat International affiliates through stories that demonstrate sacrificial acts of love and service. These frontline lifesavers are strengthening their communities one heart at a time," said Hartshorn.
This combined services report, available at APassiontoServe.com, traces the history of concern and care for pregnant women in this country. It presents in detail, through statistical summaries, case studies and client stories, the extraordinary social service contributions made by pregnancy resource centers, detailing how centers are meeting the needs of women, youth and families.
Executive director of one of the spotlighted Heartbeat affiliates, Vivian Koob said, "The clients served by Elizabeth's New Life Center are overwhelmingly young, unmarried, impoverished, under educated, and minority. Elizabeth's New Life Center offers emotional support, medical information, spiritual direction, educational classes, material assistance, prenatal care, and mentoring at no cost to the client."

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A former client whose poignant story in the report showcases one of Heartbeat's Oklahoma affiliates, Kendra Howerton said, "If it weren't for Stillwater Life Services, I honestly do not know where I would be today. The staff, board, and volunteers at this pregnancy center invested a great deal into my and my family's lives. The results of their investments are priceless."
The report also includes endorsements from public figures such as U.S. Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL) who said: "The success rates and national expansion of these pregnancy care centers are a testament to their invaluable work in the lives of communities and individuals over the years. These networks provide services that are often unavailable elsewhere to expectant mothers."
According to Hartshorn, "The pregnancy resource movement is dedicated to empowering women with life-affirming alternatives so abortion is unwanted now and unthinkable for future generations."