Pro-Life News Report
Monday, September 21, 2009
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Current Headlines
• Congressman: Abortions Could Increase By One-Third Under Health Care Bills
• Black Pro-Lifer: Opposition to Pro-Abortion Health Care Plans Not Racist
• H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Don't Rely on Cells From Babies Killed in Abortion
• British Prosecutor Legalizes UK Assisted Suicides by Friends, Relatives
• Abortion Advocates Upset by Dogged Pro-Life Campaign on Health Care Bills
• Pro-Life Group to Continue Targeting Harry Reid Over Abortion, Health Care
• Catholic Left Covers for Obama Health Care Like It Did for Pro-Abortion Obama
• Douglas Kmiec Calls Obama's Abortion Stance: "My Catechism Come to Life"
• Leroy Carhart Will Open Kansas Abortion Center, Not Do Late-Term Abortions
• Pro-Life Advocates Condemn Attack on Pro-Life Man Over Abortion Sign
• Hispanic Author's New Book Reveals Terrible Addiction, She's Had 16 Abortions
• Virginia Gov Candidate Deeds Launches New Abortion Attack on McDonnell relies on your support to make pro-life news free and available to hundreds of thousands of people every week. You can send a donation to us at, PO Box 270841, Fort Collins, CO 80527. You can send an online gift through PayPal to us at
Congressman: Abortions Could Increase By One-Third Under Health Care Bills
Washington, DC ( -- The pro-life community has been up in arms about the taxpayer funding of abortions in each of the three main health care bills Congress is considering. But the leader of the pro-life caucus in Congress drove the point home over the weekend in a well-received speech. Speaking at the Values Voters Summit sponsored by the Family Research Council, pro-life Rep. Chris Smith of New Jersey made it abundantly clear what would happen under the current legislation. Smith predicted that abortions could rise by as much as one-third because of the massive abortion subsidies and mandates found in HR 3200 and the Kennedy and Baucus bills. Unfortunately, he said, President Barack Obama and White House personnel are hiding that fact. "Never have I been more concerned about the promotion of abortion coming out of the White House," Smith said. "The unborn child and his or her mother are more at risk now than ever, since Roe v. Wade itself." He added that Obama and his administration have been "demonstrably false and extraordinarily misleading" in talking about abortion and the health care bills. "On health care, we must stand firm for no further diminution of protection of the unborn child and no further expansion of culture of death," Smith said. Full story at
Black Pro-Life Leader Says Opposition to Pro-Abortion Health Care Plans Not Racist
Washington, DC ( -- A top black pro-life advocate says there is nothing racist about opposing the health care plans pending in Congress because they force taxpayers to finance abortions. Dr. Alveda King is responding to critics who say such opposition is racist and point to the outburst from Rep. Joe Wilson. During President Barack Obama's health care speech two weeks ago, Wilson shouted "You lie," as Obama ticked off a list of complaints about the bills he thought were false. The Wilson comment has prompted some political observers to suggest that opposition to the three main bills -- HR 3200 in the House and the Kennedy and Baucus measures in the Senate -- is racially motivated. King says that's not so. "Congressman Joe Wilson's breach of etiquette was definitely wrong, but to call it racist is to cry wolf," she told today. King says abortion itself is racist because it targets the African-American community as abortion businesses like Planned Parenthood place centers in minority neighborhoods. "What really is racist is singling out minorities, who now receive about two-thirds of the abortions in this country, for discriminatory treatment," King explained. Full story at
New H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccines Don't Rely on Cells From Babies Killed in Abortion
Washington, DC ( -- A pro-life group that monitors vaccinations is pleased to report that the new H1N1 swine flu vaccines the federal government will be distributing next month do not rely on cells from babies killed in abortions. Other vaccinations have been condemned for relying on such cells to formulate the vaccines. Children of God for Life tells that four new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines approved late last week by the FDA do not use aborted fetal cell lines The four vaccines are made by Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis, CSL and Medimmune and all are using eggs from baby chickens instead of cells from humans. "We are pleased that the pharmaceutical companies have chosen these cell lines for this year's H1N1 vaccines," Debi Vinnedge, the group's director, told "There are enough concerns about public health and safety without compounding the problems with moral issues." Full story at
British Prosecutor Legalizes UK Assisted Suicides by Friends, Relatives
London, England ( -- The British Parliament has refused to approve a bill that would directly legalized assisted suicide in the UK, but a prosecutor has opened up the country to suicide on his own. The prosecutor's decision follows a decision by the House of Lords allowing Debbie Purdy the right to know if her husband would be prosecuted if he took her to Switzerland to kill herself. Purdy sued and the Lords, the UK's supreme court, ruled she had a right to know and directed a prosecutor to publish guidelines as to when the current assisted suicide law would and would not be enforced. Now, the prosecutor, Keir Starmer QC, the director of public prosecutions, has gone beyond the court ruling and decriminalized assisted suicides in the UK committed by friends and relatives of people with terminally illnesses and serious disabilities. Starmer says only someone who is a "ringleader" or "organizer" of the death of a person who has been "vulnerable to manipulation" can be prosecuted. In other words, it is no longer illegal to assisted in a suicide but it would be unlawful to encourage one. Full story at
Abortion Advocates Upset by Dogged Pro-Life Campaign on Health Care Bills
Washington, DC ( -- The nation's biggest abortion advocacy groups are "frustrated" and "disheartened" by the debate over abortion funding in the health care reform bills, according to a new AP report today. The news agency talked with a slew of pro-abortion activists who are also upset with President Barack Obama and Congressional Democrats. The pro-life movement has worked overtime to expose the abortion funding in each of the three main health care vehicles in Congress, HR 3200 and the Kennedy and Baucus bills. Stephanie Poggi of the National Network of Abortion Funds, which gives women money for abortions but not to carry a pregnancy to term, expressed the frustration. "I'm profoundly disappointed," she told AP. "We felt health care reform is supposed to be about expanding care, not expanding inequality." Terry O'Neill, the new president of NOW, said she is upset with Obama and colleagues who she says are backing down on abortion funding -- even though all three bills contain abortion subsidies and mandates. "It makes me really angry," she said. "They're just wrong if they think compromise on abortion will bring more Republicans on board. The voices insisting upon exclusion of abortion services will not vote for meaningful reform anyway." Full story at

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Catholic Left Covers for Obama Health Care Like It Did for Pro-Abortion Obama
by Michael New
Last Monday, Frances Kissling, the former president of Catholics of Free Choice, had an article in where she criticized elements of the religious left for raising concerns about the coverage of abortion in health-care reform. Specifically, Kissling singled out Jim Wallis of Sojourners and Catholics United, arguing that their efforts were jeopardizing the enactment of health-reform legislation. Kissling's concerns are bit puzzling. Catholic Left groups have actually been very active supporters of President Obama's health-care-reform proposals. Both Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Catholics United are members of 40 Days for Health Reform, an attempt to generate more political support for health-care-reform among various religious communities. Furthermore, a quick look at the websites of Catholics United and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good reveals two important bits of information: (1) both websites include a number of stories and articles favorable to health-care reform and (2) any concerns about abortion coverage that these groups have are not prominently displayed. Full story at
Douglas Kmiec Calls Obama's Pro-Abortion Stance: "My Catechism Come to Life"
Washington, DC ( -- In a new interview that is certain to upset pro-life Catholics, dissident Catholic professor Douglas Kmiec continues to claim that pro-abortion President Barack Obama takes a pro-life view. He says he was so excited talking about abortion with Obama during the campaign that he said Obama's views made him think his candidacy was "my catechism come to life." Kmiec, a former Pepperdine University law professor whose covering up Obama's pro-abortion views during the election drew a rebuke from Denver Archbishop Charles Chaput, received a reward from Obama by being named as the ambassador to Malta. In an interview with The Times of Malta, Kmiec recounts how he became an Obama supporter. "Even though there were areas of disagreement, Mr Obama pointed out the responsibility of government to provide a family wage, to care for the environment and to provide healthcare for the uninsured," he said. "When I thought about all these things, I thought 'this is my catechism come to life' because we are called to each of these things in the social teachings of the Church," he added. Full story at
Leroy Carhart Will Open Kansas Abortion Center, Not Do Late-Term Abortions
Wichita, KS ( -- LeRoy Carhart changed his story over the weekend and said he plans to open a new abortion business near Wichita, Kansas. However, he now says he has no plans to replace George Tiller by becoming the next to do late-term abortions in the state. Carhart originally said he would replace the abortion business Tiller ran that his family shut down in the aftermath of the shooting that claimed his life. The Nebraska-based abortion practitioner said he wanted to at least open an abortion business that does first and second-trimester abortions because he didn't want anyone to think that killing abortion practitioners would stop abortions. "They can't know that murder means a clinic is going to close, because then 1,700 murders (of abortion providers) and there will be no abortion in the United States," he told KSN. "Tiller was willing to fight back and so am I." Carhart told the Kansas television station that he is opening the abortion center in memory of Tiller. Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Condemn Attack on Pro-Life Arizona Man Over Abortion Sign
Flagstaff, AZ ( -- Pro-life advocates are upset by an attack on a pro-life man in Arizona who was holding a pro-life sign that apparently upset two pro-abortion women. The attack came eight days after pro-life advocate James Pouillon was shot repeatedly and killed in Michigan by a man who didn't like him protesting abortion at a high school. In the new case, 69-year-old Johnny Wallace was attacked by two women as he held two pro-life signs condemning the racist undertones of abortion and Planned Parenthood. Wallace was alone in front of City Hall on the busiest street in town at the time of the attack. He was known to take up position at the spot most every day to make sure members of the community were reminded of the problems associated with abortion. His two signs read "Abortion kills more black Americans in four days than the Klan killed in 150 years," and "Life begins at conception and ends at Planned Parenthood." Full story at
Hispanic Author's New Book Reveals Terrible Addiction, She's Had 16 Abortions
Washington, DC ( -- A Hispanic author has released a new book with a revelation of a terrible addiction -- she has had 16 abortions. Irene Vilar describes her decisions as an "abortion addiction" and she already admits she worries her decision-making will be used as an argument on why abortions should be limited or banned. Vilar will release her book, published by Random House and titled "Impossible Motherhood," on October 6. In it, she describes the 16 abortions she has had as a married woman and she tells ABC News she already has "an inkling of hatred" that will be directed towards her by people aghast that she could kill 16 unborn children. Because she worries about a public backlash, the writer and literary agent is only conducting closed-door interviews and will not do a book tour. Full story at
Virginia Governor Candidate Deeds Launches New Abortion Attack on McDonnell
Richmond, VA ( -- Creigh Deeds, the pro-abortion Democratic candidate for governor in Virginia, has launched a new attack on his opponent on abortion. Deeds is running two new television commercials that both say former Attorney General Bob McDonnell should not be elected because he is pro-life. The ads concentrate on a copy of a thesis McDonnell wrote while in college. "Virginians are asking lots of questions about Bob McDonnell's thesis," one ad says, showing two women actors having a hypothetical conversation. "McDonnell was thirty-four, married and attending Pat Robertson's Law School," it says, adding that the thesis said "abortion should be outlawed and birth control should be restricted -- even for married adults." "Then as a legislator he introduced 35 bills to restrict a women's right to choose," the Deeds ad continues. Full story at
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