Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, April 1, 2010
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Current Headlines
• Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Urges Canada to Promote Abortion at G8 Mtg
• Terri Schiavo's Brother Bobby Schindler Recalls Five Years Since Sister's Death
• Pro-Life Advocates Remember Terri Schiavo Five Years After Euthanasia Death
• Abortion is Safer Than Childbirth? Studies Show Abortion More Risky for Women
• Eugenics in 2010: Obama Officials Follow Gattaca Movie, Genetic Discrimination
• Thousands of Pro-Life People Attend March for Life Europe Against Abortion
• Lilith Fair Concert Tour May Donate Ticket Proceeds to Pregnancy Centers
• Nebraska Bill to Ban Late-Term Abortions Based on Fetal Pain Passes First Vote
• Tennessee House, Senate Pass Pro-Life Bill to Help Stop Pressured Abortions
• Kansas Sends Bill to Enforce Late-Term Abortion Laws to Governor Parkinson
• San Diego Schools No Longer Require Parental Consent for Teen Abortions
• Pro-Life News: Tennessee, Oklahoma, Abortion, New York, Post-Abortion,
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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Urges Canada to Promote Abortion at G8 Mtg
Ottawa, Canada ( -- After signing bills over the last two weeks that promote taxpayer funded abortions in a national health care program, the Obama administration is taking its promotion of abortion abroad. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attacked Canada's Prime Minster for not promoting abortion at an upcoming conference.
At issue is the decision by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who is promoting better maternal mortality as its signature initiative at the upcoming G8 summit Canada is hosting in June.
Harper was initially reluctant to include contraception in the centerpiece plan Canada is advocating, but he has ruled out including abortion.
That met with opposition from Clinton, a longtime abortion advocate and the top international official in the administration of pro-abortion President Barack Obama.
"You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health," Clinton said at a Tuesday news conference. "And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion."
"I've also been very involved in promoting family planning and contraception as a way to prevent abortion. If you're concerned about abortion, then women should have access to family planning," Clinton added. "And finally, I do not think governments should be involved in making these decisions."
But research shows if the Obama administration and world governments want to lower maternal mortality, expanding abortion isn't the way to go. Full story at
Terri Schiavo's Brother Bobby Schindler Recalls Five Years Since Sister's Death
by Bobby Schindler
March 31st will mark the five-year anniversary of the needless death of my sister, Terri Schiavo.
It is difficult to believe this much time has passed since that horrible event which will be forever seared into my memory.
I wish I could say things have changed for the better since my sister s death or that people with cognitive disabilities are now better protected in response to the horror she had to endure.
Tragically, however, it seems the rights of the brain-injured, elderly and others are still being violated.
All one has to do is look at what happened just last week. On March 21st, Fox aired an episode of The Family Guy that featured a "sketch" called "Terri Schiavo: The Musical." I was astonished at the producer s cruel bigotry directed towards my sister and all cognitively disabled people.
Sadly, although more offensive than what my family has seen in the past from the media since Terri died, the bald-faced ignorance expressed in that episode of The Family Guy was nothing new. In fact, all signs indicate that we have embarked on a very disturbing path.
There is no disputing that Terri s life and death had an astonishing impact on our nation. Our family still receives letters, emails and phone calls almost every day from people who tell us how Terri s story touched them in profound ways, particularly when they come to know the facts. Full story at
Pro-Life Advocates Remember Terri Schiavo Five Years After Euthanasia Death
Washington, DC ( -- Five years after Terri Schiavo died as a result of a painful starvation and dehydration euthanasia death her former husband subjected her to, pro-life advocates haven't forgotten. If anything, they are pushing forward with plans to do more to help the disabled and terminally ill.
Fr. Frank Pavone, the director of Priests for Life, remembers Terri as he was on-hand with the Schindler family in the hours before the minimally conscious woman died.
"On March 31, five years ago, Terri Schiavo died a court mandated and government enforced death," he told Wednesday morning.
"I saw for myself, as I held her hand and prayed at her bedside that this death was not 'peaceful' and 'beautiful' as euthanasia advocates want us to think," Pavone said. "Moreover, as health care is placed more and more in the hands of the government, we have to be more vigilant than ever to protect the Terris of today and tomorrow."
Following Terri's death, Priests for Life and the Schindler family, Terri's parents and siblings, established Terri's Day as a means of fostering education, prayer, and activism to counter discrimination against the disabled. Full story at
Abortion is Safer Than Childbirth? Studies Show Abortion More Risky for Women
by Evangeline Jones
"Abortion is safer than childbirth." This statement is ubiquitous. A mantra for abortion advocates, it is repeated in popular culture and by educational and legal elites. It is common wisdom within the medical profession. For several decades now, it has shaped medical practice and public policy.
Among its progeny are newer slogans, most recently, abortion is healthcare.
The influence of elites in the medical profession should not be underestimated. Their positions can abide even where contrary evidence reveals them to be fundamentally weak, out-of-date, incomplete, and inaccurate.
Few seriously question the conclusions of prestigious medical professionals and organizations, particularly when medical studies are cited as proof. Their reports on abortion gain added importance in the vacuum created by a recast field of medical ethics that avoids evaluating the moral legitimacy of abortion under the Hippocratic Oath.
Such is the case for abortion is safer than childbirth. Its supporters claim that mortality rates for women having abortions are lower than mortality rates for women giving birth. An increasing body of evidence contradicts this. Abortion harms women by exposing them to a wide range of serious risks, both immediate and long-term. Abortion is not safer than childbirth. Full story at

Eugenics in 2010: Obama Officials Follow Gattaca Movie, Genetic Discrimination
by Kristan Hawkins
Have you ever seen the movie Gattaca starring Ethan Hawke and Jude Law?
In case you missed it, here s a brief summary: Set in a future time, a genetically-inferior man (Ethan Hawke) wants to travel to space. However, society has deemed him less suitable because of his genetic make-up and has placed him in a lower class of humans only suitable for menial tasks.
Hawke s character was conceived the old-fashioned way and not in the new normal way, by in-vitro where only the best embryos are selected and then genetically enhanced. At birth, genetic counselors foretold how Hawke would die and at what age.. In order to achieve his dream, Hawke s character, through an elaborate scheme, deceives others into believing he is a part of the superior class.
The crux of the story is this: society judged Hawke s character at the moment of his birth, discriminating against him because of his genetic make-up.
Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my son Gunner s diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis, an expensive-to-treat and fatal genetic disease. Full story at
Thousands of Pro-Life People Attend March for Life Europe Against Abortion
by Bryan Kemper
When I woke up on Sunday morning, March 28, I knew it was going to be a day I would never forget. I got up early and went for a walk to pray and prepare my heart for this special day; I wanted to be focused on what this day meant.
We started our journey walking from out host home to the metro station, down the hill where we would catch a metro to the city center and meet some of the March for Life team at the Cathedral. After the youth Mass we passed out more flyers about the March, taking advantage of every opportunity to get the word out.
We joined up some of the team from Belgium and Austria and walked over to the Royal Palace to help get the starting point set up. We set up the small Stand True booth off to the side of the steps and helped get the banners hung and signs into place.
I sat off to the side watching this group of young people from different countries, some of them not understanding each other s language, all working together to make this event amazing. Full story at
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Lilith Fair Concert Tour May Donate Ticket Proceeds to Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers
Washington, DC ( -- Back in the 1990s, the Lilith Fair tour was one of the most people concert draws of the time -- with millions of people flocking to venues and festivals to see mostly female alternative rock and pop artists. Organizers of the tour, which had a distinct liberal, feminist, bent have brought it back -- with a twist.
The Summer 2010 Lilith Fair team announced a "Choose Your Charity" campaign through which Facebook users were able to vote from a pre-selected group of charities.
Those selected will receive $1 for every ticket sold in each concert city -- potentially generating tens of thousands of dollars for charities involved.
To the surprise of pro-life advocates, the Lilith Fair team included pregnancy centers in the mix of groups and the Facebook users who voted decided to award them as their charity to receive the funds.
Fans in Minneapolis and Indianapolis, for example, are given the option of supporting Metro Women's Center and Indianapolis Life Center -- both are life-affirming pregnancy centers that help women find abortion alternatives and legitimate pregnancy support. Other cities such as Atlanta and Seattle also saw pregnancy centers selected. Full story at
Nebraska Bill to Ban Late-Term Abortions Based on Fetal Pain Passes First Vote
Lincoln, NE ( -- A Nebraska bill that could set a national precedent for banning late-term abortions based on the concept of fetal pain has received its first approval vote from the unicameral state legislature. Nebraska lawmakers voted 38-5 for Legislative Bill 1103 so it would advance to the second round of debate.
The bill would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy when an unborn child can feel pain.
It has been hailed by pro-life advocates across the country for its innovative approach and focusing the public's attention on unborn babies who have been medically documented as pain capable at 20 weeks gestation.
Julie Schmit-Albin, director of Nebraska Right to Life, emailed after the legislature approved the measure.
"In Nebraska we don't treat livestock or the family pets in the manner that unborn children are treated, particularly those who are 20 weeks gestation and older who are aborted at LeRoy Carhart's abortion facility in Bellevue," she said. "By his own admission Carhart does hundreds of late term abortions a year. LB 1103 would go a long way in averting late term abortions done on babies 20 weeks and older who can feel pain." Full story at
Tennessee House, Senate Pass Pro-Life Bill to Help Stop Pressured Abortions
Nashville, TN ( -- The Tennessee state House and Senate today both approved pro-life legislation designed to help stop abortions on women who feel pressured to get them. Interviews and research studies have shown women can be pressured by a husband or boyfriend, employer, friends or family to get an abortion.
The chambers both voted on the Tennessee Freedom from Coercion Act (House Bill 3301/Senate Bill 3812) sponsored by pro-life Rep. Susan Lynn and pro-life Sen. Jack Johnson.
The bills require abortion facilities to post signs saying women can't be pressured, forced or coerced to have an abortion against their will.
During the debate, Johnson, according to the Tennessean, said as many as 64 percent of women having abortions have said they felt some pressure to have one.
The Senate voted 28-2 for the bill and the House followed suit later Wednesday voting 87-8 for it.
The signs would read: "It is against the law for anyone, regardless of the person's relationship to you, to coerce you into having or to force you to have an abortion." Full story at
Kansas Sends Bill to Enforce Late-Term Abortion Laws to Governor Parkinson
Topeka, KS ( -- The Kansas state House approved a bill that would mandate that the Kansas health department obey the state's late-term abortion law. The House approved HB 2215 83-36, one vote shy of a veto proof majority and now the bill goes to Governor Parkinson, who may veto it.
The Senate approved the measure hours before the House on a 24-15 margin.
This is the fifth year in a row the legislature has sent a similar bill to the governor's desk attempting to stop late-term abortions and ensuring any done in the state follow current laws limiting them. Governor Kathleen Sebelius vetoed previous versions.
The current version of the bill also allows women to sue an abortion practitioner if they believe the late-term abortion was done for illegal reasons.
Kathy Ostrowski, the legislative director for Kansans for Life, told that she is concerned the legislation will be vetoed again. Full story at
Looking for a Pro-Life Speaker for 2010? | |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. He can also speak on any pro-life topic. For more information, email | |
San Diego Schools No Longer Require Parental Consent for Teen Abortions
San Diego, CA ( -- San Diego school officials have upset pro-life advocates by adopting a new policy making it so teenagers no longer need parental consent for a host of activities, including abortion. The new policy makes it so teens can go on their own for confidential medical appointments without parental involvement.
The San Diego Unified Board of Education voted unanimously Tuesday night to revise the policy without any opposition or debate.
Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates spoke out about the changes in interviews with 10 News.
Leslie Brunolli said she opposed the change because she had an abortion she now adamantly regrets and doesn't want young women to make the same mistake.
"I wanted to finish college. I wanted out of the situation and I had no idea that I would have any ramifications at all, but I did," she said of the abortion that took away 20 years of her life with regret and heartache until she sought help. Full story at
ACTION: Contact the board at
Pro-Life News: Tennessee, Oklahoma, Abortion, New York, Post-Abortion, Women
Tennessee Committee OKs Bill to Opt Out of Abortion Funding Under Health Care
Nashville, TN ( -- Tennessee would opt out of using state tax money to pay for abortions in state health care exchanges under legislation passed on a voice vote by the House Commerce Committee on Tuesday.
Oklahoma Legislature Passes Three Pro-Life Bills on Lopsided Margins
Oklahoma City, OK ( -- The Oklahoma state House approved three pro-life bills Monday. The first bill would outlaw sex selective abortion and passed on a 95 to 1 vote.
New York Woman Attacked by Husband After She Refuses Abortion Request
Queens, NY ( -- The New York Daily news reports on a woman who was attacked by her husband after she refused his request to get an abortion. Patrona Kates said she feared for her life when he slashed her throat and stabbed her sister in a meltdown over her pregnancy.
Abortion Recovery International to Host recovery Symposium in California
Anaheim, CA ( -- Abortion Recovery InterNational (ARIN) will host "Come Aboard," its Second Annual SHARE Symposium, from July 20-22, 2010 at the Crowne Plaza Resort in Anaheim, California.
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