Dr. Alveda King, pro-life activist and Founder of King for America and Dr. Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union speak out today while on pilgrimage in Israel.
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"The very idea that Barack Obama would endorse the Palestinian position by saying the border lines should be rolled back to where they were in 1967 is almost laughable," said Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union. "Apparently, our great country is saddled with a milk-toast president who with all his degrees, and accomplishments doesn't understand the very basics of the importance of ensuring Israel is able to protect herself," said Gardner. "For decades, Americans have taken comfort in knowing that we are Israel's ally," said Dr. King. "How can we pray for the peace of Jerusalem if we move to deny them and the world the rights to weep at the Wailing Wall and be freely refreshed in River Jordan?" She said. "The Palestinians don't want peace, they want to destroy Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has every right to reject this proposal from the Obama Administration. Consider how we as US Citizens would react if it were proposed that our borders should be redrawn with us surrendering our entire eastern seaboard to a country such as Iran," said Gardner. Day Gardner is President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, an organization founded to serve as a clearing house to coordinate the flow of communications among all African American pro-life organizations and individuals in order to better network and combine resources. Dr. King currently serves as a Pastoral Associate and Director of African-American Outreach for Priests for Life and is Founder of King for America.
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