Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Birth control mandate based on 'cherry-picked' data: experts


Life Site News
Proponents of an impending federal mandate to provide birth control drugs for free have not only relied on an ideological presumption that contraception amounts to "preventive" health care, but also on an inaccurate portrayal of birth control's impact on unintended pregnancy rates ... Mandate proponents "fail completely to account for the fact that, since the federal government began its aggressive campaign to provide free or low cost birth control to millions of Americans in 1970 ... rates of non-marital births and abortions have grown, not diminished," [and] the Institute of Medicine report on which the new mandate is based "cites one lone Guttmacher Institute" study for its claim that contraception availability lowers rates of unintended pregnancy. Guttmacher Institute, the nation's leading source of statistics on abortion and contraception aside from the federal government, is a former affiliate and current financial beneficiary of Planned Parenthood.
Read more here: http://www.lifesite.net/news/birth-control-mandate-based-on-cherry-picked-dat...