Monday, October 17, 2011


Paul VI's Prophetic Warning
Pope Paul VI. during a visit of US president L...

Image via Wikipedia

Humanae Vitae has proved to be correct in predicting that the use of contraception would result in lower morality in general.


"Shame on them and shame on all of us who have perpetuated the false dichotomy between contraception and abortion. They are truly fruit of the same evil tree. The sooner we and our Protestant brethren realize this, the sooner we will advance in the preservation and protection of life.

Numerous studies show an increased risk of breast cancer in women who have had abortions. Birth control pills can cause weight gain, depression, decreased libido, liver problems, and other medical complications.

Given the Culture of Death around us, supported by ignorance and misinformation, parents today have a special mission to teach children the truths of the Faith, unequivocally and without fear. The responsibility also falls upon priests who must faithfully and truthfully preach the Gospel of Life. Life issues are at the crux of most of our world's problems and sinfulness. The problems are so pervasive that they require nonstop preaching to counter them. Let us pray that our priests and deacons have the fortitude and insight to preach frequently and forcefully in support of the Church's teachings."

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