Friday, October 14, 2011

Knights of Columbus dedicate Haitian prosthetics clinic


On Oct. 12, the Knights of Columbus dedicated their recently-built prosthetics and rehabilitation center in Haiti to the memory of their late Supreme Secretary Emilio Moure.

Moure, who died of cancer in July 2011, had worked closely with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson to formulate the Catholic fraternal and charitable organization's response to the earthquake that devastated Haiti in January 2010.

The Cuban-born supreme secretary, who played a key role in the organization's national leadership, sought to extend its role in Haiti beyond immediate disaster relief, to help the stricken island nation in its long-term recovery.

Dr. Robert Gailey, whose Project Medishare had previously worked with the Knights to distribute 1,000 wheelchairs to injured Haitians, told Moure that the fraternal society should focus on helping child amputees.

Moure committed the Knights to a $1 million program, “Healing Haiti's Children,” that provides physical therapy and prosthetic limbs – including necessary replacement prosthetics – to every young victim of the disaster.

The facility now dedicated to Moure has helped over 300 child amputees so far. It also benefits the local economy, providing jobs for Haitians trained to fabricate the limbs as well as a school to train new technicians and rehabilitation specialists.

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