Take action NOW to defend the Faith and our religious liberty By Paul Rondeau As scandalous as it is, we have confirmed that Cardinal Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, current president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, and president of the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, has personally invited President Barack Obama to attend the Foundation's annual dinner on October 18 in New York City. This dinner is a showcase for politicians and will give Obama the opportunity for numerous photo-ops with the cardinal and an opportunity to schmooze influential Catholics. As such, YOU are called to take action NOW to defend the faith and our religious liberty.
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HEADLINES | | Catholic Culture Jesus ate with tax collectors. And Cardinal Dolan plans to eat with President Obama-who, Chief Justice Roberts tells us, has imposed a "tax" on employers who refuse to subsidize contraception. But there's a difference. When Jesus sat with tax collectors, the dinners were private. They were not "photo ops" for political candidates. The Lord could speak directly to the hearts of his dining companions, and convert them. Remember, St. Matthew left the tax-collecting business to follow Christ. Does anyone believe that after the Al Smith dinner, Obama will decide to rescind the contraceptive mandate? |
| Rita Diller / STOPP The Obama administration has once again shown that it has no respect for the will of the people or for state's rights, as it methodically continues its tyrannical march, hell bent on making all Americans bow at the altar of Planned Parenthood. With 426,000 federally provided Title X dollars in its pocket, PP of Central North Carolina is walking away from its lawsuit against the state with a Cheshire cat grin on its face. When the state legislature stripped $125,000 from the sex-belching abortion giant, Obama and cohorts came to the rescue with more than three times the amount the state stripped. The move can only be construed as a punitive measure visited upon the voters of North Carolina who, through their elected representatives, made it a priority to defund Planned Parenthood. |
| Thomas More Law Center Federal District Judge Robert H. Cleland of the Eastern District of Michigan has set the date of September 26, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. to hear oral arguments on whether the federal government should be enjoined from enforcing the HHS Mandate. The case before Judge Cleland was filed on May 6, 2012 by the Thomas More Law Center. . . . The purpose of the lawsuit is to permanently block the implementation of the HHS Mandate which requires employers and individuals to obtain insurance coverage for abortions and contraception on the grounds that it imposes clear violations of conscience on Americans who morally object to abortion and contraception. | |