Week of August 6, 2012 Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Network Monthly Newsletter (Daily Caller) - If you want to see what direction health care is going, just read the July 12 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM). Of course, reading a medical journal isn't on most people's "to do" lists. Even medical professionals who do read journal articles rarely do so to gain insight into the latest shifts in the cultural or political winds. That's a mistake. CONTINUE People with Severe Dementia Should be Starved and Dehydrated to Death (Peter Saunders) - There is an editorial in the British Medical Journal this week by a retired professor of philosophy titled 'Sanctity of life law has gone too far'. Raanan Gillon reviews the case of M, a woman in minimally conscious state, who was the subject of a court of protection ruling last year. CONTINUE Hungry: Student Takes on Euthanasia: Aspiring filmmaker puts his viewers in the shoes of a woman targeted for Euthanasia! WATCH HERE Hospitals 'Letting Patients Die to Save Money' (The Telegraph) - Tens of thousands of patients with terminal illnesses are placed on a "death pathway" to help end their lives every year. However, in a letter to The Daily Telegraph, six doctors warn that hospitals may be using the controversial scheme to reduce strain on hospital resources. CONTINUE (LifeSiteNews) - In a statement issued yesterday, the Roman Catholic bishops of Wisconsin are warning against the end of life care document called Physician (or Provider) Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST). The bishops are concerned that use of this document could lead to acts of euthanasia. CONTINUE (First Things) - I grow weary of the continual attempts to spin and cover up the depth of the death culture of the Netherlands. For example, recently, articles have celebrated the official 2.8% euthanasia rate. But that doesn't include assisted suicide (0.2) and the fact that 23% of euthanasia deaths are unreported. CONTINUE Mother Claims She Had to Fight Hospital for Son's Life (NBC San Diego) - The mother of a toddler claims she has had to fight hospital administrators to keep her son on life support. Two-year-old Zody Cervantes had meningitis and suffered a seizure in an emergency room nearly two months ago. CONTINUE | |||
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Neglected Patient Dies of Dehydration After Calling Police for Help (Daily Mail) - A young patient who died of dehydration at a leading teaching hospital phoned police from his bed because he was so thirsty, an inquest heard yesterday. Officers arrived at Kane Gorny's bedside, but were told by nurses that he was in a confused state and were sent away. CONTINUE Follow us on Facebook! Click here to join the Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Group Page. Be sure to click on the LIKE button! The Terri Schiavo Story: The life and tragic death of Terri Schiavo has raised many significant cultural questions. The Terri Schiavo Story helps to define the issues and frames an important consideration of the life and death of Terri Schiavo. WATCH TRAILER |