Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The number of abortions in the world make the Virgin Mary cry:

Ivan lifts Irish fight against abortion

By Jakob Marschner on Jan 8, 2013

The number of abortions in the world make the Virgin Mary cry, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told between 1,000 and 2,000 people in Dublin on January 7. Ivan’s visit came at a time when abortion is on top of the public agenda in Ireland, and attendees said the seer’s appearance came timely.

Ivan Dragicevic in September 2012. Photo: Daniel Miot,

Ivan Dragicevic in September 2012. Photo: Daniel Miot,

Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic on Monday invested his experiences with the Virgin Mary in the current Irish abortion debate, by mentioning the deep sorrow abortion causes to Mary, and quoting one of her previous messages.

A more than full St. Saviour’s Church in Dublin listened, with one report mentioning more than 1,000, another around 2,000, and a third more than 2,000 attendees. Aside of those seated, more people were standing all around the chapel. A large crowd had gathered an hour and a half before the arrangement began.

St. Saviour's Church in Dublin, Ireland

St. Saviour’s Church in Dublin, Ireland

“In his testimony, Ivan reinforced the dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. He said the large number of abortions in the world give the Virgin Mary tears in her eyes, and that she calls us to respect life from moment of conception to natural death” attendee Donna McAtee reports to Medjugorje Today.

“At this time when Ireland is struggling with abortion debates, the message from Mary could not have come at a better time” says attendee Teuta Hasani.

medjugorjeIvan’s apparition lasted 9 minutes. It makes it one of his longer ones, though not an unusually long one. Afterwards, Ivan reported this message given by the Virgin Mary to the attendees in Dublin:

“Dear children, today your Mother is very happy with you. Today I am calling you to prayer. Dear children, do not get tired in prayer, know that I am always near you, that I am with you and that I intercede before my Son for you. Therefore pray with me, pray for my plans that I want to accomplish in this world. Thank you dear children, that you have responded to my call.”