EMC FrontLine- In Brooklyn before our 12th Floor flood
P.O. Box 134
Bronx, New York 10470
EMC counseling room after roof water tank explodes.
EMC’s Brooklyn office ceiling this morning, September 9th.
Thousands of Brooklyn moms have thanked EMC for their special kids.
Our Lifesavers depend on prayer for success in our work. Please pray for them daily..
EMC outreach saves babies.
Help us save more, please.
If only our moms had windows to their wombs.
Never giving up takes funds.
EMC teams depend on you.
Without EMC’s free sonograms thousands would be lost.
An EMC intern hoists a baby!
Remember our South Bronx break in last year?
Linda in action in Brooklyn.
Another EMC subway ad.
and another.
and another.
EMC’S full time Brooklyn office, since 1999, was flooded and
sustained serious damage overnight. We have the best pregnancy center
location in the country, in the same building, as two abortion clinics.
But we must keep it going.
Help repair EMC’s Brooklyn office now please! Cash needed now to keep open!
Dear Deacon John ,
Your EMC FrontLine lifesavers in Brooklyn took a hit this morning when arriving for a busy week of life-saving!
Our office was flooded out and we are on the 12th floor, the top floor of the building!
The building’s major water tank, right above us, burst overnight, and damaged our ceiling, equipment, floors, couches, and TVs.
Can you help with $45, $100, $500, or even $1,000 right now so I can rush out to make immediate repairs?
Right now when it rains it pours, LITERALLY IN THIS CASE, as
funds are desperately low to pay for critically needed wages, stipends,
food, fuel, rent, transportation and phones to keep saving moms and
babies in our primary location in Brooklyn and elsewhere.
We save literally scores of babies per month in this
building which contains Planned Parenthood and another late term
abortion facility, part of a chain.
We could really use your generous support TODAY, right now, to help us clean up, repair, resupply and keep moving on with life-saving in the BEST PREGNANCY CENTER LOCATION IN AMERICA.
Please click on the Heart to give right now>
Please from
the heart, via credit card, check or PayPal. Sponsor us for a new
ceiling, carpet, a couch or TV, and even for a month of rent of $5,200
Just click on the heart above, please, RIGHT NOW, to keep the life-savers going!
In the past 28 years, we have been privileged to save over 42,000 girls and women from abortion.
This almost completed Greatest Summer of Life-Saving ever, your
NYC based pioneering, baby-saving group kept on going in our base City,
after 28 years.
We also deployed in Miami, Philadelphia, DC, Baltimore, Cleveland,
Detroit, Austin and San Antonio, TX, and sent lifesavers to assist
street counselors in Dayton, OH, and pregnancy centers in Los Angeles
and Boise, ID.
just left of center, in the heart of Downtown Brooklyn, is 44 Court
Street. Here we battle for Lives in the same building as Planned
Parenthood and another abortion center. Our building is just to the
right of the Brooklyn Borough Hall building on the left.
Our 28 year old life-saving NYC outreach, extends across the City
of New York, in downtown Brooklyn, in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and
in our northern neighbor of Westchester County.
Your support again, right now, will enable us to rebuild and
fortify our bank account to keep us going for these pre-Fall weeks.
YOU and I can DO THIS!
I am very proud of your long stand and prayers for us, and i am confident you will help us rebuild today.
God Bless you for ALL you do for Life and true Love, to help moms and babies survive who would otherwise be abandoned.
Yours for Life, Chris Slattery 212-213-4690
National Director, EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers
P.S. EMC like all of us, gets hit with challenges every week, and
today we got hit with serious water damage! But, you and I can bounce
back from this, as the babies and their moms are counting on us. EMC
still has 7 full time interns with us and six paid staffers, working
very hard, and we are still managing operations in five cities.
Please help us rebuild Brooklyn and keep the babies alive for this week and next!
EMC interns back up Linda We depend on you, and prayer! your with another baby
God can and will work many miracles of grace, if we respond!
About Us
EMC FrontLine Pregnancy Centers have been organized and
directed by Chris Slattery, since 1984. EMC works in counseling centers
and medical offices in the Bronx, Queens, Manhattan, and Brooklyn, and
now in other cities including Miami, Detroit, San Antonio, Austin,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Cleveland, and Washington, DC, and we are
assisting with staff in other cities like LA, and Boise, ID.
EMC operates with counseling, testing and referrals nationwide,
and with onsite ultrasound in NYC, and in some cases with pre-natal
care. Outside NYC, we are starting with testing, and counseling outside
NYC, and will begin with ultrasound by referrals.
Please help with a sacrificial donation to help us rebuild in
Brooklyn, and to keep on going for the coming weeks in NYC and beyond.