Friday, February 15, 2013

40 Days for Life: DAY 3: Like no other


Dear Deacon,

Today’s email is different from most of our emails.

In chapter 36 of the new 40 Days for Life book
( ), I write about
the notorious abortionist LeRoy Carhart.

In that chapter, I tell about Carhart’s aggressive
late-term abortion business, my interesting
experience with him on an airplane ... and the
inspiring story of 40 Days for Life volunteers
responding to his new late-term abortion facility
in Germantown, Maryland.

What is not in the book, however, is what happened
last week.


Every abortion ends a life. An abortion that took
place right before this campaign began ended two.

Germantown has just started its fifth 40 Days for
Life vigil outside a facility where Leroy Carhart
travels each week to perform late-term abortions.

According to several reports, Jennifer Morbelli
arrived in at the abortion center in Germantown on
February 3. She was a 29-year-old teacher from
White Plains, New York. She was also 33 weeks
pregnant ... and had named her child Madison.

The reports state that Madison was being welcomed
into the family -- the family had set up an online
gift register of requested baby items. But then,
Jennifer was told her child had significant physical
anomalies and she was advised to have an abortion.

Because of the very late stage of the pregnancy,
the abortion was a multi-day procedure. She arrived
at the abortion center each day, four days in a row
... and each day, sidewalk counselors say she looked
progressively weaker.

Finally, on February 7, she was taken to a hospital
emergency room early in the morning ... but the
doctors could not save her. At 10 am, she was
pronounced dead.

Even the Washington Post reported on this story,
noting that Maryland's chief medical officer and the
local police are investigating Jennifer's death ...
at the same time when Maryland's attorney general has
just launched a criminal investigation of Carhart on
an unrelated matter -- primarily related to illegal
dumping, possibly of human fetal remains.

Michael Martelli, a 40 Days for Life leader who serves
as director of the Maryland Coalition for Life, is
calling on the state to close the abortion center and
to suspend or revoke Carhart's medical license. For
now, the business remains open.

The volunteers in Germantown will have much to pray
about over these 40 days. Yet there is always hope.

David Bereit, 40 Days for Life's national director,
attended the 40 Days for Life kickoff event in
Germantown last fall -- and met a baby who had been
spared from abortion at Carhart's facility.

The mother showed up for her abortion appointment,
but the building was not yet open. As people prayed
on the sidewalk as part of 40 Days for Life, one of
the volunteers asked the woman if she needed help.

They directed her to the pro-life pregnancy resource
center across the street, where she was told about
the many support services available and encouraged
to keep her baby.

She did -- and at the Germantown rally, she said it
was because the morning she had been scheduled for
an abortion, she was surrounded by love -- love from
the 40 Days for Life volunteers and love from the
pregnancy center workers.

God's love can overcome even the most profound
darkness. Let us continue to pray for His mercy.

Today's devotional is from Rev. John Ensor of
Heartbeat International.


Pray for your local pregnancy help center: for those
who answer calls from women considering abortion, those
who provide ultrasounds, and those who personally help
mothers prepare to parent or place for adoption.


Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the
hand of the wicked.

--Psalm 82:4

REFLECTION by Rev. John Ensor, Heartbeat International

When a woman arrives at her local pregnancy help center,
the hard work of "rescuing the weak" begins.

They listen to her. What desperate circumstance is
driving her?

They act. A professional ultrasound and medical care
is provided.

They pray, "God use us." Then, they take up her burdens
and work towards life.

It is cross-bearing for the child-bearing.

Recently, I prayed for one volunteer who was working
with one mother in her struggle. Here is what "rescue
the weak" looked like in this one case:

• Aug 3: She made an appoint-ment for Thursday to get
  an abortion and while she feels terrible about it,
  she also feels like she has no choice. Pray that her
  heart is changed!

• Aug 10: She is 12 weeks along but missed her
  appointment. She had some good conversations with
  people at the pregnancy center. She is now considering

• Aug 13: Things are down again. She now has an
  abortion scheduled for Monday. Pray!

• Aug 17: Missed appointment! God is working in her life.

• Sept 1: We've hit another rocky period. She has an
  abortion scheduled for tomorrow. She found out today
  that her parents are planning a trip to visit her
  and she is panicking.

• Sept 15: Missed third appointment. But feels like
  she has no choice. Please pray today.

• Sept 20: She fears her parents but has agreed to
  another ultrasound (a breakthrough).

• Sept 22: I was there with her for her ultrasound.
  She saw her baby moving and made the realization
  that she wants to carry her baby.

Please keep praying against attack by the enemy. We
are overwhelmed by seeing God's hand move in this
situation and are so very thankful for the prayers
lifted up by each one of you. God is good!


Father, we praise you for this one sister who gave
herself, heart and soul, to rescue this one mother
and baby. O may you empower the hundreds more today
who are serving in our pregnancy help centers. Grant
those answering calls, providing ultrasound and
following up with a bold spirit of truth, love and


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


Yours for Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have a story to share of how you've seen God
working through 40 Days for Life? Post a reply
at the bottom of today's blog post at:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA