Friday, March 7, 2008

Fr. Tom Euteneuer: Fr. Tom Reports from Jamaica

Spirit & Life® "The words I spoke to you are spirit and life." (Jn 6:63)
Human Life International e-Newsletter
Volume 03, Number 10 | Friday, March 07, 2008

Fr. Tom Reports from Jamaica

The fight for life in Jamaica continues, and it is hard to express how valiantly the good pro-life people here are taking up the battle. Since the Press Conference that was held at the beginning of Lent there has been no end of public debate and discussion of the issue of abortion in Jamaica. This has been to the advantage of the defenders of life because it has allowed the truth to come to the light: instead of being hidden in the darkness where evil does its best work, the Jamaican people are actually getting a good look at what abortion is, what damage it does, and what the consequences will be for their society if they liberalize their law. It just goes to show the truth of what HLI has always said: the people of a country never ask for abortion, and when they truly know what abortion entails they reject it. God seems to be weighing in on this subject too! He has a mysterious way of emphasizing the reality of what they are "choosing." The head of the abortion advisory committee, during a "safe and legal" routine medical procedure in the hospital the same week of the Press Conference, had a serious complication which led to a heart attack. This in turn led to a stroke and within two weeks she passed away. We must wonder how it was that this champion of abortion was so symbolically called out of the battle at this precise moment when the debate rages the hottest. I saw with my own eyes how the pro-lifers here got on their knees interceding for her so that her soul would be saved and so that the message would be made clear to all: there is nothing so devastating as the "safe and legal" abortions that she was advocating. Judging from the conversations I have had about this, I believe the message is clear.

We too will join them in this prayer! I would ask the readers of Spirit and Life to continue to pray for Jamaica as the churches and pro-life groups initiate a signature campaign to make the voice of the people heard in a profound way to their leaders. Their statement to the government is so beautiful and needs to be heard far and wide: "Recognizing the sacredness of life and the right of the unborn child to life from conception to natural death, we the undersigned object to any changes in existing legislation or proposed legislation, or constitutional change that would seek to legalize or to facilitate the legalization of ABORTION and/or deprive any human being of their right to life."

Also, tomorrow, Saturday the 8th, the Youth for Life Jamaica group will be holding the first-ever March for Life in Jamaica! It seems that the young people in this country have not been corrupted by pro-choice propaganda and are willing to make their voices heard on something that will effect their very futures and the future of their whole nation. I will give you more updates as time goes on, but in the meantime, please let us continue to help Jamaica with our prayers in this battle of life and death!

Humanae Vitae Priests website and e-newsletter
I am happy to announce that yesterday HLI launched the promised Humanae Vitae Priests initiative for which we asked our readers to submit email addresses of seminarians and priests. We got a good deal of feedback that we should also include deacons in this list so we expanded it to include them too, and the response was overwhelming - thanks to all who contributed emails to our effort! Now let us pray that our work will benefit so many priestly souls and in turn so many married couples and families. Please do look at the website which is linked to the sidebar of this email.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer,
President, Human Life International