Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pro-abortion Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez speaking at a parish in the diocese of Orange.

Loretta Sanchez Back in the Churches

To Promote Obamacare

The following August 20 email came to California Catholic offices telling of the following appearance by pro-abortion Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez speaking at a parish in the diocese of Orange. 

This was listed as a prayer vigil in the St. Callistus Parish Bulletin and as a training on the OCCCO (Orange County Congregation Community Organization) website. 

This event occurred at St. Callistus Catholic Church, Garden Grove on Sunday, Aug 2, 2009. 

The YouTube videos below show Rep. Loretta Sanchez trashing President Bush while promoting Obama and his universal healthcare and stimulus package. The auxiliary bishop for the Orange diocese, Bishop Dominic Luong, is sitting on at the table right next to Rep. Sanchez. This event occurred at the St. Callistus parish church hall. 

The OCCCO is the new ACORN - plastering themselves all over the immigrant neighborhoods of Southern California, inviting Loretta Sanchez to speak, holding their community events in Catholic parishes (with the full knowledge and participation of the Catholic priests and bishops. 

From the USCCB document - Catholics in Political Life: 
"The Catholic community and Catholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions." 

What's the concern? 

Financially supported by the Diocese of Orange (your donations) and the USCCB (your Catholic Campaign for Human Development donations). 

Financially supported by the Committee to Re-Elect (pro-abortion) Rep. Loretta Sanchez, diocese of Orange Catholic parishes (your Sunday donations), Georgeanne Lovett (Peace/Justice "pro-life" director for Bishop Brown), Msgr. Urell, and the St. Joseph (Catholic) Hospital. 

For a list of Donors, 
click here.(from their website) 

Ten parishes in the Diocese of Orange are "member congregations" who lend their names to this organization, 
click here

From their own website: 
Their Mission and Accomplishments 

YouTube videos of the event: 
Click here and here

Please reconsider your donations - and contact Bishop Luong and Bishop Brown (714-282-3000), Fr. Tuyen Nguyen (pastor of St. Callistus - 714- 971-2141 who personally approved this event with Loretta) and your own parishes about this abuse of the Church.

From http://www.calcatholic.com/