Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Plea for Help

Tijuana Baby Savers Look North for Much-Needed Assistance

Since April 2001, Centro de Ayuda para la Mujer (Women's Help Center) has been saving unborn babies in Tijuana. Though abortion is illegal in Mexico (outside of Mexico City), the "black legend" of women traveling to Tijuana for unsafe abortions persists. 

Planned Parenthood spokesman Vince Hall used the popular myth in the recent California campaigns led by Planned Parenthood against parental notification. "I wouldn't want my daughter going to Mexico for an unsafe abortion," Hall argued in 2006 when debating Proposition 85 spokeswoman Grace Dulaney. 

But according to the pro-life women's center in Tijuana, the reverse is true – those seeking abortions in Tijuana go to the U.S. 

The Tijuana center, like First Resort in the San Francisco area and Culture of Life Family Services in San Diego, uses all the tools, including ultra-sound, to show women in Tijuana the alternatives to crossing the border to kill their unborn baby. 

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