Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Los Angeles March for Life scheduled this coming weekend

"Take a stand"

The 7th annual Los Angeles March for Life is scheduled for this Saturday, March 13, along Ventura Boulevard in Encino. 

"We invite you to join us on March 13, 2010 to take a stand for the right to life for the unborn," says the LA March for Life website. "The LA March is an ecumenical event that is brought to you by the Knights of Columbus, Van Nuys Council 3148. The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of the plight of the unborn and to raise funds that support pro-life causes in the San Fernando Valley." 

The march will begin and end at St. Cyril of Jerusalem Catholic Church, 15520 Ventura Blvd., Encino. Registration is scheduled for 8 a.m., followed by opening remarks at 9 a.m. The 2-mile walk begins at 10 a.m. 

The event's sponsors suggest a $5 donation from participants, with all proceeds going to the Pregnancy Counseling Center of Mission Hills. 

"Members of the Knights of Columbus, Van Nuys Council 3148, have always been active in the Pro-Life movement," says the LA March for Life website. "In recent years, however, we became active in fundraising for pro-life causes under the direction of Brother Charles Howe. Brother Howe has raised thousands of dollars for pro-life activities and through his efforts, connected the Van Nuys council with the Pregnancy Counseling Center of Mission Hills." 

"The purpose of the Los Angeles March for Life is to raise awareness," says the website. "First, we want inform women struggling with this decision that there are real 'choices' that exist other than killing a precious, innocent child and that there are local organizations who will help them with these choices. Second, we want people to become more aware of the sanctity of life. We see life from the Christian perspective that God creates it and that it is a gift from God. Third, we want the people in one of the most prodigious abortion states to know that there are those of us who do not agree with the killing of over 50 million innocent lives since 1973." 

The March's sponsors note that the event "is a celebration of life, not a protest," and "a festive family event involving children, adolescents and adults." 

Even though the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic organization, says the March for Life website, the event is open to people of all faiths: "Anyone who believes that life is precious and supports saving the lives of the innocent children taken by abortion is welcome to participate." 

For more information, contact Nick Bryan at 
(818) 789-3237 or John Costello at (949) 285-8918. To visit the LA March for Life website, Click Here.

From http://www.calcatholic.com/