Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This is the critical week

This is it: THE CRITICAL WEEK that could determine the
fate of millions of innocent preborn children.

Abortion industry lobbyists, their allies in the White
House, and abortion advocates in Congress are pulling
out all the stops on Capitol Hill -- twisting arms,
making threats, promising payoffs, and trying to
squeeze out every last vote on the abortion-laden
government takeover of health care.

All of this in an effort to secure a vote this week.

Speaker Pelosi has to secure 216 votes in the House of
Representatives to pass the Senate bill, which does NOT
include the Stupak protections against government
funded abortions, and -- if passed -- will result in
the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.

News reports indicate Pelosi is JUST A FEW VOTES AWAY
from securing those 216 votes -- and giving Planned
Parenthood and the abortion industry its
multi-billion-dollar government funded bailout.

You are probably being bombarded with messages to
contact your U.S. Representative right now -- and it
is URGENT that you do so immediately!

If the abortion mandate in health care passes the
House, it will be immediately signed by President Obama
and become the law of the land.

This is the decisive moment.

Get on the phone and call NOW.

Get online and e-mail NOW.

Go to the district office of your Representative TODAY.

Then do it all again TOMORROW.

And the NEXT DAY ...

... Until the abortion mandate has been stopped dead in
its tracks.

Tell your Representative clearly:

*** "Vote AGAINST any health care bill that does not
explicitly prohibit abortion coverage and government
funding of abortion!" ***

Deacon, here are your urgent action items:

1.) CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVE: Need help finding your
Representative? Go here to contact him or her TODAY:


If you've already called, make sure your family and
friends call. And then call again tomorrow! This really
comes down to who can make the most calls in these
decisive final days.

live national webcast featuring many Stop the Abortion
Mandate coalition leaders TONIGHT -- Tuesday, March 16
-- at 8:30 PM Eastern (5:30 PM Pacific).

Sign up to participate online at:


3.) PRAY & FAST: We know that "with God ALL things are
possible" -- even stopping the abortion mandate in
health care. Please fervently pray for our nation --
and if you feel led, fast. Pray for our leaders, that
they do the right thing and block mandated abortion
coverage and government funding of abortion.

Do these three things today -- before it's too late!

For Life,
Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition

 40 Days for Life

3515-B Longmire #316
College Station, TX