LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Thursday, September 30, 2010
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Current Headlines
• Obama Told on Abortion: Change Your Mind Because Unborn Children Feel Pain
• After 10 Years, RU 486 Abortion Drug Hasn't Helped Women as Promised
• Obama Advisor Admits Abortion Will Play a Role in 2010 Election Contests
• Facility Closes in Maryland Run by Man Who Killed Woman in Botched Abortion
• Poll: Americans Continue to Distrust Pro-Abortion Mainstream Media Outlets
• Mainstream Media Misreport Stem Cell Research, Court Ruling on Obama's Funding
• Polls Show Close Senate Race in Nevada, Pro-Life Rubio Leading in Florida
• Arizona Right to Life Makes Pro-Life Endorsements for 2010 November Election
• Colorado Polls: Pro-Life Senate Candidate Ken Buck Tops 50%, Tancredo Gains
• Ohio Sees Pro-Life Candidates Kasich, Portman Leading for Governor, Senate
• Massachusetts Pro-Life Group Backs Candidates for Congress Based on Abortion
• Pro-Life News: Bloomberg, Cuomo, New York, Abortion, Oregon, Rockford, Illinois
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Obama Told on Abortion: Change Your Mind Because Unborn Children Feel Pain
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Yesterday, pro-abortion President Barack Obama relied on the language Bill Clinton used to try to moderate his radical image on abortion. But a pro-life senator and organization are pushing back on comment he made saying he wants abortions to be "safe, legal, and rare."
Obama said yesterday he thinks abortion should be "safe, legal and rare" in America and he said families, not the government, "should be the ones making the decision."
Responding to those remarks, pro-life Senator Mike Johanns of Nebraska said Obama is relying on an antiquated look at the abortion issue and added the president should update his views based on medical research showing unborn children feel pain during an abortion.
"So, Mr. President, it is time for us to acknowledge in law and in practice, realities revealed by these advancements in medical science," Johanns said on the Senate floor today. "We must be willing to change our mind-set based upon this evidence, and I would suggest we have an obligation to do so."
"Respected doctors are on record saying that abortions in the second and third trimester likely cause unborn babies, quote, intense pain. How can we claim to be compassionate and yet look the other way in denial of this pain?" Johanns asked.
The lawmaker said the president shouldn't look the other way and added he believed women ought to be told about this research before they made an abortion decision. Full story at LifeNews.com
After 10 Years, RU 486 Abortion Drug Hasn't Helped Women as Promised
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Two women have written editorials about the tenth anniversary of the RU 486 abortion drug, which has been responsible for the deaths of dozens of women and injuring thousands more across the globe. They say the abortion pill was supposed to help women but can't find any evidence of that.
Jeanne Monahan of the Family Research Council, and formerly an employee at the Health and Human Services Department writes in a column at Human Events that the drug has been entirely unsafe for women during the 10 years.
"Chemical abortions, while indeed legal, have over the last ten years posed major safety concerns including infection, life-threatening bleeding and even maternal death," Monahan writes. "Despite this dubious safety record, it appears to be a major goal of the abortion industry to increase the number of chemically induced abortions."
Monahan says the Food and Drug Administration approval process made it clear the Clinton administration, which approved the drug, had no interest in helping women.
"Looking back at the spring and summer of 2000, the FDA approval process of RU-486 was flawed, rushed, politicized and deviated from the FDA norm in a variety of ways, including the use of inferior clinical trials to support its safety," she noted. "For example, when the FDA s advisory panel voted to approve RU-486 in 1996, American trial data was neither finished nor sufficient, so the FDA relied on French data primarily, which is atypical."
The pro-life writer says the FDA said the same data had been found by the FDA to be marked by carelessness, fraud and evidence tampering. Full story at LifeNews.com

Obama Advisor Admits Abortion Will Play a Role in 2010 Election Contests
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- The mainstream media likes to downplay the issue of abortion in terms of its importance as a voting issue during national elections. But one of pro-abortion President Barack Obama's top advisors says the debate over abortion "will certainly be an issue" when voters head to the polls in November.
White House House Senior Adviser David Axelrod said abortion would become a top election topic if only because he believes some of the pro-life Republican candidates are too extreme on abortion because they oppose abortions in cases of rape and incest.
"I think [abortion] is certainly an issue in the campaign and there are some people running on their side who have a very, very extreme view of this," Axelrod told The Huffington Post and National Review's Robert Costa.
The comment referred to pro-life Senate candidates like Rand Paul in Kentucky, Joe Miller in Alaska, Sharron Angle in Nevada and Christine O'Donnell in Delaware who hold consistently pro-life positions.
"Obviously they know that that is a problem because they omitted mention of all that from their Pledge [to America] and I think that is telling," Axelrod claimed, according to HuffPo.
However, the Pledge to America document was applauded by pro-life groups because it contains a clear call for a ban on all taxpayer funding of abortions and actions to repeal or de-fund the pro-abortion ObamaCare plan Congress passed. Full story at LifeNews.com
Facility Closes in Maryland Run by Man Who Killed Woman in Botched Abortion
Severna Park, MD (LifeNews.com) -- It's official. The Gynecare Center run by embattled abortion practitioner Romeo A. Ferrer, who has been under fire involving a case of a woman he killed in a failed abortion, has closed. Two pro-life groups have confirmed that a replacement abortion practitioner will not do abortions in Ferrer's stead.
Ferrer is closing his abortion center after a 10-year campaign from dedicated pro-life organizations.
The Maryland Board of Physicians suspended his medical license but pro-life advocates were hoping for more.
The Gynecare Center is not scheduling new appointments and does not have an abortion practitioner to replace Ferrer. Operation Rescue discovered replacement abortion practitioner Ghevont Wartanian had been hired to fill in for Ferrer during his suspension.
But, due to the publicity surrounding Ferrer's troubles and an unrelated illegal late-term abortion scheme operated by fellow Maryland abortion business owner Steven Chase Brigham, Wartanian had expressed reluctance to do abortions at Ferrer's troubled clinic beyond September 30.
Wartanian, a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology, had been sued over 18 times for malpractice and negligence for incidents ranging from the death of newborn babies to causing brain damage and a host of other medical mistakes. Full story at LifeNews.com
Medical professionals are on the frontlines of battle in life issues. From abortion to assisted suicide and euthanasia and all issues in between we are challenged in the workplace to defend our beliefs and risk our employment. The National Association of Pro-life Nurses has been here for nurses since the beginning of this battle. Join with us in our efforts to protect those voices. www.nursesforlife.org |
Poll: Americans Continue to Distrust Pro-Abortion Mainstream Media Outlets
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Americans continue to distrust the mainstream media, whose reports on abortion and other pro-life issues continue the bias and misinformation that led to the creation of LifeNews.com more than seven years ago.
A Gallup poll found Americans, for the fourth straight year, have little or no trust in the mass media to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly. The 57% who now say this is a record high by one percentage point.
This year, 57 percent of Americans say they distrust the mainstream media compared with 43 percent who say they can trust the reports put out by prominent television and newspaper outlets. That's up from a 55-45 percent split against trusting the media last year.
Since 1998, when Gallup first asked the question, distrust of the mainstream media has risen 11 percent while the percentage of Americans trusting media outlets has fallen 10 percent.
"The 43% of Americans who, in Gallup's annual Governance poll, conducted Sept. 13-16, 2010, express a great deal or fair amount of trust ties the record low, and is far worse than three prior Gallup readings on this measure from the 1970s," the polling firm noted. Full story at LifeNews.com
Mainstream Media Misreport Stem Cell Research, Court Ruling on Obama's Funding
by Tom Blumer
It is truly remarkable to observe how press outlets continue to misreport and misinform the public in the area of stem cell research.
One of the latest examples came yesterday at the Associated Press. In a report covering a court ruling on government funding of embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), the AP's Nedra Pickler completely failed to acknowledge that there are any other kinds of stem cells. Every single use by Pickler of the terms "stem cell" or "stem cells" has no modifying adjective, except the very first, whose modifier is "embryonic."
It's as if there are no other avenues besides ESCR for "scientific progress toward potentially lifesaving medical treatment." In fact, Pickler's less-informed readers would have no reason to believe that there is any form of stem cell research besides ESCR. The reality, which will be shown later for the umpteenth time, is that non-embryonic stem cells, often referred to as adult stem cells, have already shown that they can do virtually everything embryonic cells can with far less potential for side effects and, of course, no loss of human life. The word "adult" does not appear in the AP report. Full story at LifeNews.com
Looking for a Low-Cost Pro-Life Speaker? |
Looking for a pro-life speaker for your next banquet, conference or convention? LifeNews.com editor Steven Ertelt is a low-cost speaker who can entertain and educate your audience as well as help you with a fundraising pitch if necessary. For more information: news@LifeNews.com. |
Polls Show Close Senate Race in Nevada, Pro-Life Rubio Leading in Florida
Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) -- Two of the marquee Senate matchups for November that pit pro-life versus pro-abortion candidates were the subject of new polls released today. Rasmussen Reports indicates pro-life Senate candidate Marco Rubio leads in Florida while pro-life Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle is in a close race.
Angle and pro-abortion Democratic leader Harry Reid are in a dead heat with Reid getting 48 percent and Angle 47 percent of the vote.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of likely voters has four percent liking another candidate and one percent undecided. The close race comes even though Reid owns the airwaves in Nevada and is flooding them with advertisements attacking Angle on a multitude of issues.
Two weeks ago, the two candidates were tied at 48% apiece and both candidates are beginning to lock up their voters. Ninety-three percent of Reid s supporters say they are certain how they will vote in November while 88 percent of Angle voters say the same thing.
Meanwhile, Rubio, the pro-life candidate in Florida, continues to hold an 11-point lead over pro-abortion independent candidate Charlie Crist in Florida s race for the U.S. Senate.
Rasmussen shows Rubio with 41% support, while Crist, the state s current governor, picks up 30% of the vote and pro-abortion Democrat Kendrick Meek comes in third with 21%. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided. Full story at LifeNews.com
Arizona Right to Life Makes Pro-Life Endorsements for 2010 November Election
Phoenix, AZ (LifeNews.com) -- Arizona Right to Life has announced its endorsements of pro-life candidates for the general election this November. Walt Opaska, the chairman of the Arizona Right to Life political action committee said the congressional elections give the pro-life movement the ability to mitigate President Barack Obama's pro-abortion record.
"The Obama Administration is the most pro-abortion administration in our country's history," he told LifeNews.com today.
"This election represents an excellent opportunity to return a conservative pro-life majority to the U.S. Congress and halt the erosion of the protection of the unborn," he said. "We must also support those candidates at the state and local level that will continue to work to expand the protection of innocent human life."
Accordingly, the Arizona Right to Life Political Action Committee is supporting Sen. John McCain in his re-election campaign.
The pro-life group also supported pro-life Reps. Trent Franks and Jeff Flake -- both of whom have consistent pro-life voting records in the House of Representatives. Full story at LifeNews.com

Colorado Polls: Pro-Life Senate Candidate Ken Buck Tops 50%, Tancredo Gains
Denver, CO (LifeNews.com) -- New Colorado polls show pro-life Senate candidate Ken Buck has topped 50 percent in his race to defeat a pro-abortion incumbent. Meanwhile, pro-life third party candidate Tom Tancredo is looking better in his race against a pro-abortion Democrat and a Republican whose campaign is essentially dead.
Buck captures more than 50 percent for the first time in a new Rasmussen Reports poll released today.
The telephone survey of likely voters in Colorado shows Buck with 51% support while pro-abortion Democratic incumbent Michael Bennet earns 43% of the vote with leaners included. Two percent favor another candidate and four percent remain undecided.
Two weeks ago, Buck held a 49% to 45% lead when leaners were part of the totals and the solidifying of the race in Buck's favor prompted the polling firm to declare it believes Buck will probably win the race in November.
"The candidates have now held two debates. Buck, a conservative county prosecutor, has led consistently in the race with support ranging from 44% in March to 49% earlier this month. Bennet, the Denver school superintendent appointed to the Senate last year when Ken Salazar joined President Obama s Cabinet, has earned 38% to 45% support in that same period," pollster Scott Rasmussen noted. Full story at LifeNews.com
Ohio Sees Pro-Life Candidates Kasich, Portman Leading for Governor, Senate
Columbus, OH (LifeNews.com) -- The two pro-life candidates in Ohio continue to lead their respective races for governor and the U.S. Senate. Republican John Kasich now holds an eight percent lead over Democratic incumbent Ted Strickland while pro-life GOP candidate Bob Portman leads his Senate race.
The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of likely voters shows Kasich picking up 50% of the vote while Strickland, who backs abortion, draws support from 42% with leaners included. The poll shows three percent prefer another candidate and four percent are undecided.
Two weeks ago, Kasich led Strickland 50% to 43% when leaners were included in the totals. Leaners are those who initially indicate no preference for either of the candidates but answer a follow-up question and say they are leaning towards a particular candidate, Rasmussen noted.
When leaners are excluded from the totals, Kasich leads 49% to 41%. In the previous survey, he led 48% to 40% without leaners. In surveys since December, Kasich has earned 45% to 50% support, while Strickland has captured 38% to 45% of the vote. Full story at LifeNews.com
Massachusetts Pro-Life Group Backs Candidates for Congress Based on Abortion
Boston, MA (LifeNews.com) -- The issue of abortion and the abortion funding found in the ObamaCare bill Congress passed became the central focus for the political arm of the Massachusetts Citizens for Life when it came to making endorsement for contested races for Congress across the state.
Today, MCFL endorsed five candidates to replace pro-abortion Reps. Richard Neal, James McGovern, Barney Frank, John Tierney and John Tierney.
None of the Democratic incumbents merits a pro-life rating with the National Right to Life Committee based on their votes. All of them earn a zero percent pro-life mark, except Neal, who scored a very low 16 percent pro-life rating from the pro-life organization.
To replace the pro-abortion stalwarts, MCFL has endorsed their opponents: Thomas Wesley against Neal, Martin Lamb against McGovern, Sean Bielat against Frank, Bill Hudak against Tierney and Gerry Dembrowski against Markey. Full story at LifeNews.com
Pro-Life News: Bloomberg, Cuomo, New York, Abortion, Oregon, Rockford, Illinois
Pro-Abortion NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg Won't Run for President in 2012
New York, NY (LifeNews.com) -- Pro-abortion New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg said he will not launch an independent campaign for president in 2012.
New York Pro-Abortion Group Endorses Cuomo for Gov Over Carl Paladino
Albany, NY (LifeNews.com) -- The New York state affiliate of the pro-abortion group NARAL has endorsed Andrew Cuomo i his bid for governor against pro-life Republican candidate Carl Paladino. The endorsement comes after a blistering attack ad it ran on Paladino.
Oregon City Reaches Settlement With Pro-Life Advocate on Using Abortion Pictures
Stayton, OR (LifeNews.com) -- The city of Stayton, Oregon has reched a settlment with a pro-life advocate who said it violated his right to display pro-life signs featuring pictures of unborn children killed in abortions.
Rockford, Illinois City Council Tables Debate About Abortion Center Bubble Zone
Rockford, IL (LifeNews.com) -- The Rockford, Illinois city council has tabled a planned debate over enacting a bubble zone law similar to the one the Chicago city council approved that has already resulted in the arrest of pro-life advocates exercising their free speech rights.
Full story at LifeNews.com
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