Judie Brown
Judie Brown
September 15, 2010
September 15, 2010
Graces given to us at Baptism should encourage us to lead others in Catholic teaching. And they should encourage us to learn more about our faith so that we can school others when they don't know or don't understand. This is especially true when such widely-debated issues such as contraception arise. For, when people do not understand the ramifications of contraception, they cannot fully understand abortion. I recently attended a meeting during which a member of the audience asked a Catholic pro-life leader why more wasn't being said about the connection between contraception and abortion. The response was "Not everyone has the same charism." Rendered momentarily speechless, it occurred to me that this type of vagueness is one of the problems that has plagued pro-life efforts for the past 35 years. Few Catholic pro-life stalwarts ever admit that there is a connection between contraception and abortion — let alone say it publicly!