Thursday, October 20, 2011

DAY 23: Keep smiling


Dear Deacon,

Many people think there can be nothing more depressing
than praying in front of an abortion facility.

I admit it. On the surface, it sounds glum -- and we’ve
talked about the darkness. But, because of prayer, there
is also great peace and joy at a place that otherwise
has no peace and has no joy.

Here are a few examples of how Christ's light and peace
are shining at 40 Days for Life vigils.


"A girl yelled at me for just standing there on the
sidewalk, because she said I didn't understand these
women's situations," said Stefanie in Memphis. "I just
smiled ... and said I would love to talk to her."

To Stefanie's surprise, the girl got into a conversation
with her.

"She told me it was not a baby at two weeks," Stefanie
said. "I explained to her the baby has distinct DNA
like no other person. But if I had not just kept smiling
and being sweet to her, she would have driven off."

Later, a woman and two men showed up with a homemade
sign that suggested God had no place in a discussion
of abortion. Women could choose whatever they want,
the woman said.

"So obviously we are bothering them by being out
there," Stefanie said. She tried to talk to them, but
they just got angry and walked into Planned Parenthood.
Stefanie just kept smiling.

She said one of the other prayer volunteers "feels that
these people heard what they needed to hear -- and we
had planted a seed."


Steve in Glendale says the 40 Days for Life campaign
has had to deal with temperatures near 100 degrees.
"But that has not stopped us from being present to
stand for the preborn and the women that are harmed
by abortion."

He says there have been many blessings.

Business owners have brought cold water for the prayer
volunteers. Then a woman stopped by and promised to be
back later with something special. She returned with a
5-liter water bottle, a bag of ice, a pitcher and cups
-- which were most welcome.

At the vigil, Steve met nine women from a prayer group.
"They met us at the unity rally," he said, "and we were
blessed by their powerful witness to the local community."

Steve said, "I want you to experience these blessings
as well. To do so, just come out and pray for an hour.
It's that simple."


"If you have been out on the sidewalk in front of
Planned Parenthood," said Michele in Colorado Springs,
"you know what a beautiful and majestic sight the
mountains are." She could stand there for a very
long time praising God in the wonders and beauty of
His creation.

Sometimes, though, she wonders, "How can such peace
and such horror live so close together? The horror
of Planned Parenthood just attacks your very soul,
trying to take away all peace and hope as it steals
the peace and hope of those going in. So you vow
never to give up."

Someday, she said, "I know the view will be restored
to what God's creation should be. And I hope for
that day!"


Here's today's devotional from Dennis DiMauro of
Lutherans for Life.


We pray for the strength to love those who do not
love us.


But the Lord said "You have had pity on the plant for
which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which
came up in the night and perished in the night. And
should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which
are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons
who cannot discern between their right hand and their
left, and much livestock? Should I not be concerned
about that great city?"

-- Jonah 4:10-11

REFLECTION by Dennis DiMauro

God doesn't value people and things like we do. Jonah
loved a shade tree more than an entire city of sinful
people. We love our dogs more than a terrorist. We
love our cars more than a beggar on the side of the
road. And sometimes, we love our money more than a
child growing in a desperate teenager's womb.

But God isn't like us. Genesis 1 tells us that humans
were the capstone of God's creation. We were created
on the sixth day after God had completed the land,
the stars, the plants and the animals. Therefore, His
love for us is greater than His love for a plant, an
animal, or any other created thing.

And the book of Jonah tells us that He loves even the
most sinful people and seeks to bring them into His
merciful arms. And it's a love that seeks to touch
all of his created children: that desperate teenager,
the baby growing in her womb, even tyrants and

So it's up to us to imitate God's merciful love by
helping and praying for those who persecute us, and
those who don't love us back.


Gracious God, loving our enemies seems like one of
most difficult things you could ask of us. Please
remind us that this is how you love and that if you
ask it of us then you will give us the grace to do
it. This we ask through Christ our Lord, Amen.


To download today's devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:


For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Have you had to overcome hesitation to step out
   and pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil? If you
   have, please leave a comment on today's blog
   entry at:

40 Days for Life

10908 Courthouse Road
Suite 102229
Fredericksburg, VA