Friday, August 24, 2007

Home genetic testing could "devastate" children, families

Incalculable loss in trust and love

While Pratibha Patil, India's first woman president, calls sternly for a nation-wide mobilization to abolish sex-selection abortions that result in the deaths of 7,000 unborn girls a day in India, Consumer Genetics Inc. of Sunnyvale, California, is marketing new home-based tests to uncover even more factors which could lead to a decision to reject one's child.

Consumer Genetics Inc., formed last year, is one of a swelling number of private labs utilizing techniques that make it possible for consumers to collect a DNA sample at home and send it back to the company for testing. Tests which reveal the child's sex, paternity, and even genetic tendencies to eventually develop cancer or diabetes, range from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000.

Read the story here: California Catholic Daily

"In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae"