“I thought this would be a typical morning of prayer, always hopeful for a turn-around, but generally without incident. I was wrong.”
Some people call us prayer warriors. We stand or kneel in front of the abortion mill, praying for a change of heart in the woman walking towards the door of death, praying that the sidewalk counselor’s message will make it past the woman’s wall of fear and denial, and help her choose life. Most of us don’t have direct interaction with the women entering the mill. We’re the back-up support, the spiritual artillery. We face the front door of the abortion mill, which is on the third floor across the parking lot, the only door with a black sign. Our view from the knees is different from that of the sidewalk counselor.
Read the rest of the story here: California Catholic Daily
One note from me, when I lived in New York, I was very active with Msgr. Riley and The Helpers of God's Precious Infants. From a small group of us praying in front of abortion mills and counseling those trying to enter to kill their babies, it has become a world-wide ministry! May they all be blessed for their love for the women and unborn children whom they are trying to save!
Roman Deacon