Image by Getty Images via Daylife
WASHINGTON, Feb. 10 /Christian Newswire/ -- Governor Sebelius' radical stance on abortion makes her too extreme to oversee America's health, medical and social services.
With her close ties to late-term abortionist George Tiller and her veto of a Kansas bill that would have reduced late-term and coerced abortions, the Kansas Governor has shown she is outside of the mainstream concerning abortion.
Her views on abortion are so extreme that Kansas City Catholic Archbishop, Joseph Naumann, called on her not to receive communion at her church.
The position of the HHS Secretary becomes even more critical as President Obama and House and Senate leadership try to pass universal health care.
The Coalition suggests President Obama's consideration of Governor Sebelius would open the door for taxpayer funded abortions which was a strong part of the Presidents healthcare plan during his campaign.
With his reversal of the Mexico City Policy and his consideration of Governor Sebelius, President Obama is truly becoming "The Abortion President."
The Christian Defense Coalition will network with likeminded groups nationwide, and the Catholic Church, to do all within their power to see that Governor Sebelius does not become HHS Secretary.
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
"On the campaign trail, President Obama talked about his desire to reduce the number of abortions. This was especially true in his talks with faith groups and organizations. However, President Obama's policies put him in direct conflict with his promises.
"The Christian Defense Coalition and other groups warned Americans if Barack Obama were elected he would become 'The Abortion President.'
"This became a reality when only days into his Presidency, Mr. Obama reversed the Mexico City Policy which will greatly expand abortions worldwide. It is tragic to consider that the first promise President Obama broke in office was his promise to reduce abortions.
"Now he is considering appointing one of the most radical pro-abortion politicians in the country as the HHS Secretary. It is difficult to imagine that on the campaign trail President Obama talked about unity and the danger of extremism. Yet, he is poised to appoint Governor Sebelius as the new HHS Secretary whose record clearly shows she is an extremist and radical when it comes to abortion.
"America does not need someone overseeing our health care services that supports late-term abortions and blocked the Kansas Board of Healing Arts from investigating the death of Christin Gilbert who died from a botched abortion at George Tiller's clinic.
"Can you imagine Governor Sebelius having any credibility overseeing America's abortion industry? This nomination makes about as much sense as nominating Cheech and Chong as Drug Czars.
"The Christian Defense Coalition is now beginning to work with likeminded groups nationwide to see that Governor Sebelius remains in Kansas."
For more information or interviews call:
Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 202.547.1735 Cell: 540.538.4741 |
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