KS Gov. Sebelius To Get HHS Nod; Obama Continues To Show Poor Judgment in Cabinet Picks
Operation Rescue Vows to Oppose Sebelius' Confirmation
Washington, DC - It is being widely reported this evening that President Barack Obama will nominate Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius as Secretary of Health and Human Services on Monday.
"Obama's lack of judgment when it comes to cabinet appointments is especially evident in his choice of Sebelius," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "Operation Rescue vows to aggressively oppose Sebelius' confirmation in the Senate. Her cozy connections to late-term abortionist George Tiller and involvement in numerous abortion scandals makes her unfit to serve."
Sebelius has supported, and even partied with Tiller, who faces trial next month on 19 charges of criminal abortions.
For details of Sebelius' extreme abortion entanglements visit Operation Rescue's Sebelius Fact Page.
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WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- The following statements may be attributed to Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Washington, DC based Christian Defense Coalition:
President Obama continues losing streak on Cabinet appointments with nomination of Governor Sebelius as HHS Secretary.
President Obama nominates a governor who radically supports abortion rights and is closely linked with indicted late-term abortion provider George Tiller.
The President also affirms his status as "The Abortion President" by nominating a radical extremist on abortion rights to oversee the nation's health care and social programs.
The record of Governor Sebelius on abortion is extreme and outside of the mainstream of the majority of Americans.
The Governor has blocked legislation that would have stopped late-term abortions, she impeded the investigation into the death of a young woman at Dr. George Tiller's abortion clinic and Catholic Church officials have told her not to receive communion because of her radical support of abortion.
This nomination paves the way for taxpayer funded abortions as part of the Administration's health care policies.
The Christian Defense Coalition asks why President Obama would nominate such a divisive and extremist candidate after he campaigned on brining unity and civility to government.
The Christian Defense Coalition vows a vocal, public and national campaign to prevent a person who so devalues human life and social justice to become HHS Secretary.
If the President is looking for a fight with the pro-life and pro-family movement, he certainly is going to get one.
For more information or interviews call Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney at 540.538.4741