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If nominated, Operation Rescue vows to actively oppose her appointment
Topeka, KS - Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius is reported to be at the top of the list for appointment by President Barrack Obama as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Operation Rescue vows to oppose her nomination based on her involvement in an illegal abortion cover-up scandal.
Sebelius was first elected to the governor's office with the help of huge campaign contributions from late-term abortionist George R. Tiller, who has earned Kansas the dubious moniker of the Abortion Capital.
"Sebelius is joined at the hip with the abortion industry," said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman. "She owes them her political career and has been more than willing to pay them back with personal favors that have shielded them from legislation and criminal prosecution. Her corrupt abortion politics make her unfit to serve."
Sebelius' abortion entanglements:
· Sebelius held a secret party for Tiller and his entire abortion clinic staff in April, 2007, at the official governor's mansion. Photos show her pointing with apparent gratitude to Tiller, holding a campaign t-shirt featuring her name. Tiller has been charged with 19 counts of illegal abortions and faces trial next month.
· Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann has told Sebelius to refrain from presenting herself for Communion until she makes "a public repudiation of her previous efforts and actions in support of laws and policies sanctioning abortion."
· Sebelius has opposed or vetoed several abortion-accountability bills, including popular clinic regulation legislation in 2005.
· Sebelius meddled with an investigation by the KS Board of Healing Arts in the death of Christin Gilbert, who died from a botched abortion at Tiller's Wichita clinic in January, 2005. The Board's politically-motivated premature conclusions covered her veto clinic regulations. The Board was recently asked to re-open that investigation due to political corruption and new evidence.
· Sebelius attended a Planned Parenthood fundraiser on the occasion of her birthday in May, 2007. PP CEO Peter Brownlie led a conga-line dance in her honor during the party. Brownlie's clinic was later charged with 107 criminal counts of conducting illegal late-term abortions. Those charges are now pending.
· Sebelius appointed a former abortion clinic "escort" John Carmichael, a militant supporter of Tiller's Political Action Committee, ProKanDo, to the Human Rights Commission. His name was quietly withdrawn ten months later.
· Sebelius appointed political supporter and abortionist Howard Ellis to serve on the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts after he surrendered his medical license in Missouri rather than face disciplinary action. Ellis resigned under pressure, and two months later was charged by the Board with attempting to persuade a physician to falsify records.
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