“Legal no-man's land”
A firsthand account of Rev. Walter Hoye’s sentencing
(Editor’s Note: Although California Catholic Daily published an account of Rev. Walter Hoye’s sentencing in our edition of Friday, Feb. 20, we believe this first-person account provides additional insight into what happened in the courtroom. This commentary was provided to us courtesy of Gibbons J. Cooney of San Francisco.)
Today I joined a number of people from the Bay Area pro-life community, as well as people from as far away as Minnesota and Texas, at the Alameda County Superior Court to show our support for the heroic Pastor Walter Hoye as he was sentenced by Judge Stuart Hing. Some of what follows describes my own reactions, and I will do my best to describe the outcome, although it is quite complicated.
The courtroom was packed. It has only 60 seats, and there were at least another 80-100 people in the hallway. A few of us arrived around 11:30 and were able to get in, although the hearing itself did not begin until around 2:30. As we waited in the hallway, we sang some hymns. A few pro-abortionists arrived, and on hearing our hymns started chanting in opposition.
I realized as never before what an impoverished world they live in, because while we were singing "We Shall Overcome" and "Onward Christian Soldiers" and "Get Behind Me Satan!" and other hymns of Christian civilization, the only thing they could come up with was, "Not the Church, not the state, women will decide their fate." I honestly do not mean this in a condescending or patronizing way, but that struck me as very sad.
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