SBA List E-Newsletter, Vol. 1 |
February 24, 2009 Dear Pro-Life Friend, this is the first edition of the new SBA List E-Newsletter with all the latest insider information about the pro-life cause. We'll be improving it as we go, so let us know what you think! Latest News President Obama Eyes Embryonic Stem Cell Funding Now that the stimulus bill has been passed, it is reported by several news outlets that President Obama will begin to push for the federal funding of embryonic stem cell research. According to senior advisor David Axelrod, President Obama is considering signing an executive order that will allow for the funding. Learn more about President Obama's plans to fund embryo destructive research here! Outrage Are your tax dollars paying for abortions? When President Bush reinstated the Mexico City Policy in 2001, there was a large outcry among pro-abortion groups about leaving international organizations penniless. The policy required that in order to receive US funding, international health organizations could not promote or perform abortions. These organizations do not need US federal dollars; most of them are in a better financial situation than our current government. Find out now where your money is going! Words of Encouragement Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK) is an ardent defender of Life in the United States Senate. Listen to his words of encouragement to the whole pro-life movement and his moving story about his adopted granddaughter from Africa. New on Our Website! Check out the updated Pro-Life Women in Politics section of our website. This section features the Pro-Life Women of the 111th Congress, State Pro-Life Leaders, International Pro-Life Leaders, Legacy Pro-Life Leaders and Early Suffragists. This is a great place to find out more about the strong and passionate women who deliver our message every day. These women are an inspiration to us all! Stay Informed & Involved Don't forget to sign our latest action alert- Protect the Hyde Amendment. The Hyde Amendment, named for the late pro-life hero Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL), has been in effect since 1976 and prevents the federal government from paying for abortions. Now with a pro-abortion President and Congress, the other side is eager to wipe this crucial pro-life law from the books. Unless we stop them!
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