Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and their comrades fools?

There's a method to the Democrats' madness

By Tim Dunkin

Sometimes, you look at the actions of others, and wonder why somebody would do the things they do. People are often capable of the most self-defeating behavior, and their actions can have a long-term detrimental effect not only on themselves, but also on those around them. Many times, however, what seems like madness on the surface actually has a deeper purpose, one that is perhaps not readily apparent to the casual observer, but which can be parsed if you're willing to take the time 
The President delivers the annual State of the...Image via Wikipedia
to do so. What seems merely crazy may instead be "crazy like a fox." Or at least it's trying to be.

I suspect that this may be the case with the way that President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have been pursuing their legislative agenda to date.
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